bleach bath after color remover

I didn't want it that dark! If you do have darker areas that are a level 5 or darker, you can adjust for this either by lightening these areas only, or by lightening it all over if necessary and then evening up with a natural tone. In practice, the Bleach Bath is recommended to ‘cleanse’ the hair. It saved me at a time when I could not afford a professional and set me on a path to self-done-at-home hair susperstardom :p It's important to know I only bleach bath Octoberish to March as I live near a beach and such is my method of maintenance in the offseason -. Great hub and voted up! From dark brown to light brown is fairly easy, even when dealing with dyed hair and buildup as it's only two levels lighter, but this does depend a lot on what brand of bleach you're using, and what concentration of developer you mix it with. Will this give me the color I had before the dye? I couldn't find any topic that can answer my question so I made a new one. Is there a way to avoid using full on bleach but still being able to lift an extra level or two without over processing and damaging my hair? Thanks again! You could also always have them do the whole process for you by applying to your regrowth, then pulling the bleach through to the lengths as it processes so that once the roots reach the same level as your lengths, all your hair is then taken a level further to finish. This is basically the reverse process to what you would normally be doing when toning blonde hair. If I use a 40 vol peroxide cream with a permanent light copper dye to dark brown hair ,will it lift it 4 shade lighter or is it best to do a bleach bath first ? Either, they are lighter than the lengths so the dye used becomes more intense there, or they are more porous due to being older hair that has been processed more, which often happens, To avoid this happening, you can apply primarily to the lengths and then last to the ends if necessary. I've semi-successfully bleached out Revlon Colorsilk Black dye (before I knew not to do that)---semi-successfully meaning I bleached it too many times too fast and cut off a lot of hair but I didn't actually melt my hair down the silk that time. Compounding matters, the city water went from a very silky soft to hard as nails after a recent municipal overhaul. How long ago was the colour remover? If after bleaching your hair it’s still yellow, dark blonde or has a lot of orange tones in it then your end result will be darker. To get your hair all that silvery grey colour, you would need to lighten it a lot further. So I've come to the conclusion that I just need to give my hair a break from bleaching. My Colorist had my hair a beautiful Ivory blond just top half of my head underneath is still my virgin dark brown. The great thing about a bleach bath is that this won't take very long. Very sensitive scalp here so even when I wish a bold fantasy color bleaching it to blond its not an option. Normally when you bleach your hair, the bleach powder is mixed with peroxide and applied as directed to dry hair. My natural color is a medium brown, like a 5, perhaps a little lighter even. Did another strand test--no lift at all. Thank you so much for your answer! Your roots should be fine as they're already fairly light and there's not much lightening required to match to your current colour. I was thinking of doing the bleach bath a couple of times, waiting a week before doing the second bleach bath. Please don't bleach over non natural colors. I think it'll be fine as long as it's light enough to get pretty purple because I don't mind if it's more purple in some spots I just don't want it to be purple in only some spots. If you use the bleach by itself, this will lift more colour than a bleach bath with the same volume of developer. Goodness, people do have a life. I wish I had known about bleach washing before I bleached my hair! One thing I'd say to note with your hair is that the different sections—the regrowth, lengths, and grey strands—will likely react differently. It is safer to do it in stages. I am considering a bleach bath to lighten the dye out, do you think this will work? The T18 is designed to produce white or pale silver blonde results, so it's a very weak and delicate colour. So, I decided to highlight my hair, as I'm currently unwell and can't sit to go to my hairdresser. Unlike a regular bleach, the intended use of a bleach bath to strip out remaining colors or provoke gentle lightening means that the product won't need to be left in the hair too long, and it can be washed out as soon as the desired result is produced, or left in for 20–30 minutes for greater lightening. Thanks. If you bleach, technically this can help if you're able to strip out all of the orange and get your hair to gold or yellow, but if you do this, you now have blonde hair. If I am able, should I just rebleach it down instead of doing the bath? 2. Once the bleach bath is distributed evenly through your hair, you'll need to watch it constantly. If your hair is a level 6 you're better using the ash by itself. And if I bath bleach the virgin hair, how much will it lighten it? Wa, Hat percentage peroxide would you recommend? Not much has changed except on the top of my head of course. As for the coconut oil, this will help protect your scalp and keep your hair from drying out as much, so it can slightly reduce damage as well as irritation. You may have to be brown for a while before you can get to dark blonde then ash blonde. Let me know if you run into any problems with it or need any more help. Peter Mack: Oh I haven’t bleach bathed yet! This last time, using the 8N and 30 dev, left my hair lighter but orange, especially at the roots (after reading your posts I now know why)...but I've read so much that I want to make sure I follow your advice depending on my color situation. With distilled water. A common misconception is that bleach can rid your home of … If it isn't light enough after this bleach, you need to leave it for at least a week in-between bleaching. I know I don’t need full on bleach to lighten it to platinum if I want to get a vibrant color. It just depends on how well it lifted and how dark your hair was prior to use. but since I'm not very talented when it comes to doing more than just coloring all over, I would settle for all of my hair being the color she has up on top, I know she probably has highlights and balayage on the rest...I don't think I can do that or even foiling which you graciously suggested to me. You might still have some re-oxidisation to come and if you put bleach or anything with peroxide on that then you will see it darken. I'm hoping to bleach virgin roots (level 5) and do a bleach bath on already bleached hair (level 9) to bring everything to a level 10. You should also only apply the preparation to hair that is unwashed in order to minimize irritation and prevent excessive dryness from the combination of shampoo and bleach. Now that my roots have grown out a bit, I would say it's about an Inch long now, I would say I am between a 6 -7 naturally (a dark blonde). Foil will help a lot if you would prefer to still use a bleach bath, as long as you're comfortable applying foils, but you may want to consider using bleach and 10 vol instead for easier application. Bleach bathing is a softer, step by step Bleaching process that is used to remove Colour one shade at a time or Lighten your Hair gradually. Also, if so, how much distilled water should i add?thank you :) oh by the way the bleach bath is just for my ends and half way up my hair because it's still a little darker than it needs to be. The whole effect is not what i wanted. I apologize for the novel I just wrote, but I appreciate your article and any advice you can give me! It works really perfect to me. I bleached again with 30 volume and got pale yellows, white and still some orange. Technically, most of the time, nothing overly bad is going to happen if you do mix two different brands, but there is the potential for strange chemical reactions to occur; it's not impossible. I then used a schwarzkofp dark as blonde, and that was great. The lightening and colour deposit are separate, so what is happening is that the developer you add determines how many levels of lift will occur, whilst the level of the dye determines what level of colour is deposited. I'm not trying to get the brown part to the white stage, I just want it lighter. Anyway, with regard to bleaching, I think the best case scenario is a reddish orange colour that's going to be very damaged and most likely quite patchy. Best route to the colour is to lighten one level using bleach, and then tone with a dark ash blonde. To do this, take a pale golden blonde shade in semi-permanent or demi-permanent, apply, and rinse when you're happy with how it looks. Anyway, after resting the hair for 2 months (no henna), I did a strand test with some gentle perm color (Naturcolor--I think it's 3% peroxide), and nothing--no change whatsoever on the length/ends. It's probably darker then. Following the manufacturer's instructions, mix the bleach powder and developer together to form a yoghurt type cream. If your hair is indeed a level 6, this is about the level in the picture. You can do this, but keep in mind that the highlights being lighter will mean they will take more colour from whatever you use for toning, causing them to end up ashier than the darker hair, which will stay reddish unless you use a darker colour on only those areas. I can't use a color remover any more as my mum absolutely despises the smell and she won't let me use it again. I’m about to BB my own hair to get some “semi”-permanent (it’s been months and this Arctic Fox virgin pink WILL NOT FADE) and I’ll be back at a level 10. But i feel like this has been going on for far to long now, I just want the perfect shade of silver/white hair. Yay. My salt came out great but my pepper lightened up to a light reddish brown. Applied in foil, you shouldn't have any trouble with the runnier consistency. Anybody heard of not doing a bleach bath before menustration? I have been colouring my hair with a light golden brown colour. Thank you, I love reading through all your advice, really been helpful!! My ends are a nice shade of blonde. i have stopped recently and let all the dyes come off and it just looks like i have bleached it. Then you can tone at home if you prefer using 9A. Few things to note if you are going to use OOPS Hair Color Remover: 1) It does stink. As long as you separate out the darker pieces and apply only to them, that's the main thing. I really would rather not put my hair through full bleach when my natural color is just a Medium silvery ash blonde, it just feels like it’s not necessary and my hair is naturally a bit thin, so I always want to go the most gentle route. This is still a very mild formula. After bleach lifts the colour, a toner will fix unwanted brassy or red undertones and give you the perfect ashy or platinum colour you were after. I have the toner, so that's not a problem. My current hair color is not a 6, but an 8. I'm a natural dark ash blonde with level 10 (goldwell 10p if that helps) highlights. In any case, using a light ash blonde dye may tone it fairly nicely, but having lighter and darker sections causes issues with toning because the lighter hair can over-tone with anything strong enough to affect the darker hair, and the darker hair isn't affected by anything light enough to avoid over-toning the lighter hair. If it's not, remember you only need to lift it a little so that it then darkens back up to a level 6 after dyeing. It's not so much of a problem if you're wanting to just go a darker blonde for now, but if you were aiming for a brown shade, this is where you need to re-pigment it because you need a certain amount of copper or even red in your hair depending on how dark you want it to be. I am 55 years young and I had grown out all my creamy blonde highlights ( which i used to tone with purple shampoo) over the last 24 months to achieve my own beautiful real silver hair with my natural brown ( number 5) in a classy salt and pepper look that was completely natural. I also have curly hair so it somehiw looks spottier. If not, you can bleach all over until the darkest areas are at least gold, fill with a light gold shade to even the lighter areas up to the same colour, then dye with medium natural blonde or medium ash blonde. My natural hair colour is a dark brown maybe a 5 with some grey and natural mahogany tones. As I have highlights not all over bleach I'm thinking of a bleach bath. For a cool-toned result, use ash at the level of your hair. I was wondering if the bath would do anything to my already white hair. I've tried Vit C & Head & Shoulders multiple times which lightens it but doesn't remove it. I'm going to order it now to have just in case. I also don't want my roots and mid length growth to be extremely lighter than my ends. I put a non aemonia dark blonde foam colour to tone it down 2 days later, which was better, but still so gingery. I have the perfect picture of my lovely orange/brassy hair but don't know how to load it here. i started a bleach wash and then read that you were suppost to wet your hair first ... i did a bleach wash on dry hair!!! The weakest point of your hair will be the line of demarcation, which is where your regrowth and previous colour meet. I have dyed my hair tips for the first time in a salon and then the dye started to leave and it was like an orange so i started to dye it on my own. Demanding questions with a bunch of ??? My hair was soft but I also added leave in conditioner . I now have bright blue hair. I been doing deep conditioning with coconut oil and olive oil. You can also apply a golden shade, one level lighter than the ends with a small amount of red as a toner to reverse the greenish tone if you want to get rid of it. Otherwise if you have a good idea of what level it is by looking at it, use an ash shade that is 1 - 2 levels lighter than your current level for effective toning. **Reply to any spammy forum post or comment with "@spam" to notify me of spam. Pls aswer immmedently should i do a bleach bath to night or what ro get rid of the yellow ?? Also, thank you for letting me know that I won't need to bleach ( because I'm not trying to go lighter but instead to get rid of the orange I just need to just tone with the dye, if I understand correctly). I have been reading your posts and you are so knowledgeable. I read online that I can dilute the 40 vol. De Lorenzo's Cool Naturals shampoo may help, as that is actually designed for maintaining ashy brown hair, rather than for use on blonde. I sort of want a light brown with lighter honey highlights to go a sort of brondish colour. Oh and is that what i would have to do to get the lift. Bright orange can tone to light brown, whilst you should aim for more of a golden orange colour for a result closer to dark blonde. Filling is the most reliable method and can be done with a protein filler or demi-permanent dye. Hi, I just started the process of bleaching my dark brown hair. Do you have any suggestions that is the most gentle on my hair? I took a lot of the color out with a vitamin c treatment, dyed over an ash brown, then let my natural hair color (darkest ash blonde) grow in for months. I wanted to say thank you so much for your advice. Then 6 weeks later she talked me into further foils - a whole head of Inoa semi permanent foils consisting of once again low lights and highlights. If you use more than 1.5oz cream bleach you do not use more No.1 Bond Multiplier you … Last question, can I still finish with the small amount of vinegar in the conditioner after rinsing off the dye? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this as well. Hair that is lightened with a bleach bath needs the same care that you'd give it if you'd used a full bleach. And my hairdresser is an hour away from me and I'm working 24/7 atm so don't have time to go there anyway - hence looking for home solutions because my hair looks awful atm! "[However] what makes the soap cap … The crown is more bleached than highlighted due to Dads 'painting' (bless his cotton socks for helping). Apply a conditioner. A bleach bath will tend to lighten up your existing hair colour but it might also affect your natural color so be very careful while making use of it. In this sense, the ratio becomes 1:2:1 bleach powder, to developer, to shampoo. Eg, if you had a base of level 5 with level 8 highlights, this will make the overall colour look lighter than a level 5 when looking at it as a whole. Bleach Baths Bleach baths are a last resort for hair dye removal. I was left with some yellow but mostly orange brass! Thank you thank you thank you in advance for any advice!!! Like you can't tell. Toning it to light brown won't work properly anymore because the hair is too light. For stubborn color or excessive dye buildup that doesn't respond readily to dye remover, a bleach bath is a useful option. I do love the simplicity of this artcle and the ongoing feedback. You'll need to be careful with the use of this shampoo over the highlights though, because these are lighter hair and will grab onto that blue tone. I used Rainbow henna powder (only two ingredients=henna + indigo) every 2 months for about 3 yrs. You need the dye to be semi-permanent rather than demi-permanent or permanent as these kinds of dye can effect your natural brown hair even though they are lighter than it (The peroxide in developer will cause the dark hair to lighten slightly even though it doesn't add noticeable colour to it). Thank you for looking at my picture and providing your feedback. This means you will see the base lighten, as well as further lightening in the highlights. Remove after 24 hours with soap and water or immediately if irritation occurs. The reason I think so is because the last color I dyed it was an 8N (because I wanted to lighten it, but as you know, it gave me lighter but orangish hair). When it comes to the volume of developer, 10 vol or 20 vol are generally used, keeping in mind that the real concentration of peroxide will be significantly lower because of the shampoo added and the water in your hair when you apply the preparation. I have east european blood plus french and irish - so i am a weird mixture and i burn easily. If you want to do this, you'll need to apply to the darker patchy areas only and lift those areas out to match the rest for it to even out. Would a bleach bath be best to get the last bits of yellow out our should I do straight bleach, and should I apply to just the yellow spots or all over? I finally found this article again! or Ash? As for the reaction on your undercut, this will be lightened if exposed to bleach. But after a little research, I picked up some OOPS Hair Color Remover, Extra Strength and decided to try my luck. I should have also mentioned that my hair is naturally a 4/5 but it is dyed a 4/5 brown with red copper tones I don't remember what the code was I think 5RB, that was a couple months ago. If you can avoid it, don't use a blow dryer, straightening iron, or curling rod for at least a few days. What would I have to do differently if my overall dyed hair color is an 8 and I want to get it to a shade or two lighter than my natural hair color which is dark brown? Thank you sooo much for answering!! would those strands oxidise and get dark while the rest of my hair lightens or, honestly its just going to give you an uneven red orange mess, I would stick to the black until you can color remove or grow it out, black will look better then the mess and damage from bleaching black. I got fed up with this and went to Superdrugs and got a Graphite Grey hair dye. It starts to look more like a dark purple from level 4 to 5, and brighter purple and violet colours need to be even lighter than that. As well reading them a violet or neutral/natural shade looking and feeling beautiful over bleach 'm. You in advance for clearing things up once again notify me of spam and hair... 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