zinc deficiency in rice

Soil Sci. Chapman, H. D., Zinc In Diagnostic Criteria for Plant and Soils. Now the fifth leading factor in widespread disease worldwide, zinc deficiency is responsible for a rise in mortality rates in undeveloped nations due to connections to childhood diarrhea and pneumonia. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines, p. 134–137, 155–157 (1970). It is by Donald Groth at Louisiana State University AgCenter. Zinc rates used were 0, 5, 10 20, 40, 80, and 120 mg Zn kg −1 of soil applied to an Inceptisol. Thus, Zn deficiencies affect plant color and turgor. Research 19, 859–868 (1968). The Rice Journal 72, 76–77 (1969). Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the leading nutrient disorders in rice (Oryza sativa). Rice grain zinc concentrations as affected by genotype, native soil-zinc availability, and zinc fertilization. Goss, J. Soil Sci. Proc. Yoshida, S., Ahn, J. S. and Forno, D. A., Occurrence, diagnosis and correction of zinc deficiency of lowland rice. The level and properties of calcium in soils and its influence on zinc availability. and Plant Nutrition (Japan) 19, 83–93 (1973). Zinc deficiency of rice is widespread throughout Asia on neutral to alkaline calcareous soils which contain more than 1 percent organic matter. Tanaka, A., Shimono, K. and Ishizuka, Y., (Zinc deficiency as the cause of the “Akagare” in the rice plants). Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the leading nutrient disorders in rice (Oryza sativa). Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Incidence of the deficiency appears more closely related to zinc availability than to total zinc content of the soil, and spontaneous recoveries of affected crops are common. It means many people who depend on rice as a staple food are effectively being starved of essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc and pro-vitamin A.. Nutritionists call it "hidden hunger." Zinc is a nutrient that plays many vital roles in your body. Soc. Symposium, February 1964. Tanaka, A. and Yoshida, S., Nutritional disorders of the rice plant in Asia. The researchers were aiming to increase that to at least 13 ppm to address iron … Proc. The expression profiles of OsbZIP48 , OsbZIP49 , and OsbZIP50 in rice roots and shoots indicate that these genes are not responsive to Zn deficiency ( Fig. Zinc deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. 19, 446–448 (1955). Yoshida, S. and Tanaka, A., Zinc deficiency of the rice plant in calcareous soils. Caroll, M. D. and Loneragan, J. F., Response of plant species to concentrations of zinc in solution I. Soil analysis has proven to be an Agr. Background Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the important abiotic factors limiting rice productivity worldwide and also a widespread nutritional disorder affecting human health. Zinc (Zn) deficiency in rice has been widely reported in many rice-growing regions of the world. Biofortification is an attractive … J. Jurinak, J. J. and Thorne, D. W., Zinc solubility under alkaline conditions in a zinc-bentonite system. - Volume 97 Issue 1 - Rosalind S. Gibson, Mari Skar Manger, Woravimol Krittaphol, Tippawan Pongcharoen, Sueppong Gowachirapant, Karl B. Bailey, Pattanee Winichagoon Soil Sci. Zn is deficient in 50% of the world’s agricultural soils and is . / Eliminating zinc deficiency in rice-based systems.Washington D.C., USA : VFRC, 2014. As depicted in figure 1, the morphological changes i.e., length of radical and plumule was shown in response to Zn NP treatment when subjected to 0 … This article explains everything you need to know about zinc, its functions, benefits, the risk of deficiency and potential side effects. Zinc Deficiency (Hudda disease - Pakistan, Khaira disease - India). Prime Minister Narendra Modi released 17 bio-fortified varieties of eight crops this month on World Food Day, which can increase the nutritional value of food staples three-fold.. Soil Sci. Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the leading nutrient disorders in rice (Oryza sativa). Zinc Deficiency (Hudda disease - Pakistan, Khaira disease - India). Fe and Zn deficiencies are widespread and affect millions of Filipinos across ages and social strata with health and economic consequences. Filipinos depend on rice as their main source of nutrition. I. Zinc has been particularly missing in the rice of Bangladesh. 9, 73–81 (1969). Zinc is an essential plant nutrient required for several biochemical processes in the rice plant, including chlorophyll production and membrane integrity. Effects of zinc deficiency on rice growth and genetic factors contributing to tolerance. What is Zinc Deficiency? 26–47 (1948). Am. Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most widespread soil constraints affecting rice productivity, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of Zn deficiency response is still limited. Am. volume 42, pages537–550(1975)Cite this article. Part of Springer Nature. 484–499 (1966). Its occurrence has increased with the introduction of modern varieties, crop intensification, and increased Zn removal. CAS  Trierweiler, J. F. and Lindsay, W. L., EDTA-ammonium carbonate soil test for Zn. The Philippines is one of the major rice-producing and rice-consuming countries of Asia. International Rice Research Institute. Zinc is an immobile nutrient in the soil and for early season or post-flood applications the rice typically has not fully canopied and much fo the soil surface remains exposed. Could using a new type of flour in cooking help tackle this deficiency? Subscription will auto renew annually. With ongoing deficiency the complete leaf blade turns bronze to brown. International Rice Research Institute. Navrot, J., and Ravikovitch, S., Zinc availability in calcareous soils: III. 33, 356–365 (1961). 295–328 (1964). Image 5390487 is of zinc deficiency symptoms on rice. Aerobic rice is currently bred by crossing lowland with upland rice genotypes, for growth in an aerobic cultivation system, which is saving water and producing high yields. and Plant Nutrition (Japan) 17, 83–87 (1971). Bull. The identification of Zn-deficiency tolerant rice lines indicates that breeding might overcome these constraints. How to identify. Reasons A Zn deficient clay soil was used in our screening. Takai, Y., Koyama, T. and Kamura, T., Microbial metabolism in reduction process of paddy soils I. 1. Many studies have identified Zn-efficient rice genotypes, but causal mechanisms for Zn deficiency tolerance remain poorly understood. Karim, A. Q. M. B. and Vlamis, J., Micronutrient deficiency symptoms of rice in nutrient culture solutions. A., Ammonium bicarbonate in plant nutrition. More than half of the soils in Mali are affected and approximately 80% of the population is considered to have an insufficient zinc intake. Jurinak, J. J. and Inouye, T. S., Some aspects of zinc and copper phosphate formation in aqueous systems. In fact, zinc deficiency has become so serious around the world that it is responsible for 176,000 diarrhea deaths, 406,000 pneumonia deaths, and 207,000 malaria deaths. Am. Many conditions can increase the risk of developing zinc deficiency. Plant Physiologist, Using a chelated Zn source allows any of the Zn that does not contact rice leaves to be mobile in the soil and move downward towards the rice roots where it can also be actively taken up by the plant. Severe yield losses are threatening food security, caused by abiotic stresses such as zinc deficiency, a widespread micronutrient disorder … Microarray analysis of Zn deficient rice revealed the up-regulation of several genes involved in Zn transport. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Zinc is used by your body in cell production and immune functions. 24, 301–307 (1967). concept— a product delivering the desired levels of iron and zinc biofortification in milled rice. Duffner, A. ; Hoffland, E.; Stomph, T.J.; Boonstra, A.; Bindraban, P.S. Pratt, P. F., Carbonate and bicarbonate In Diagnotic Criteria for Plants and Soils (H. D. Chapman Ed., Univ. Zinc (Zn) deficiency was first identified as a field problem in rice in 1966 ().It is now widely recognized as one of the most widespread soil constraints in rice production, with as much as 50% of all lowland rice soils prone to Zn deficiency (Sillanpaa, 1990, White and Zasoski, 1999).In a survey of 14 sites in the Philippines, Van Breemen et al. Adv. Inadequate intakes and marginal deficiencies are common, too – in a 2000 survey of over 29,000 people in the USA, only 55% had adequate zinc intakes. Soviet Soil Sci. 26, 144–147 (1962). Bull. Does zinc deficiency play a role in stunting among primary school children in NE Thailand? This article explains everything you need to know about zinc, its functions, benefits, the risk of deficiency and potential side effects. Soil Sci. Calif. Div. Background Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the important abiotic factors limiting rice productivity worldwide and also a widespread nutritional disorder affecting human health. What is the role of Zinc (Zn) in plants. Zinc deficiency is more common among older people who live in institutions and people who are homebound. However at pH 4.5 the same concentrations of acetic acid reduced uptake by more than 90 per cent. Zinc (Zn) is an indispensable element for rice growth. Addition of cellulose to the soil raised bicarbonate concentrations substantially and organic acid concentrations slightly. Soil Sci. Many studies have identified Zn efficient rice genotypes, but causal mechanisms for … “[So we believe that rice containing higher zinc levels] should be considered for populations that consume mostly parboiled or highly polished rice, [and also that] despite some known nutritional benefits of parboiled rice, for populations with high zinc deficiency it is prudent to promote the consumption of non-parboiled over parboiled rice.” Zinc deficiency is defined either as insufficient zinc to meet the needs of the body, or as a serum zinc level below the normal range. Chiba Agr. Proc. Proc. Paddy soil conditions are usually not favorable for the availability of zinc and hence zinc deficiency has been reported countrywide in rice soils (Bhatti and Rashid, 1985). Zinc is a nutrient that plays many vital roles in your body. Zn deficiency resulted in a marked decrease in shoot dry matter production of most genotypes after 28 days of growth. - Formation of Zn-phosphates following large applications of P fertilizer. It can also be found in plant sources like tofu, hemp seeds, lentils, shiitake mushrooms, tahini, pumpkin seeds, wild rice, cashew, soybeans, and chia seeds. It is therefore, imperative to apply zinc to such Y.) Animal Sci. In Pakistan, the most recent national nutrition survey indicated that over 40% of women are zinc deficient. 33, 49–54, (1969). Enhancing this Fe 3+ reduction via mutational‐reconstructed ferric chelate reductase improves yields and confers improved tolerance to iron deficiency when rice plants are grown in calcareous soil (Ishimaru et al. Here, we report a detailed study of the impact of Zn deficiency on crown root development of rice genotypes, differing in their tolerance to this stress. Enhancing the contents of iron and zinc in cereal grains will … Zinc (Zn) deficiency was first identified as a field problem in rice in 1966 ().It is now widely recognized as one of the most widespread soil constraints in rice production, with as much as 50% of all lowland rice soils prone to Zn deficiency (Sillanpaa, 1990, White and Zasoski, 1999).In a survey of 14 sites in the Philippines, Van Breemen et al. Under neutral to alkaline conditions, acetic acid at 10 me/l produced only slight reductions in zinc uptake and transport to the shoots. : Zinc is an immobile nutrient in the soil and for early season or post-flood applications the rice typically has not fully canopied and much fo the soil surface remains exposed. Formerly a Research Scholar of the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. DiLallo, R. and Albertson, O. E., Volatile acids by direct titration. Stunted, uneven growth. In laboratory experiments with a known problem soil, bicarbonate concentration reached a peak of 42 mM 5 weeks after soil submergence, and the concentration of organic acids peaked at approximately 10 me/l after 4 weeks. Various independent studies have shown that foliar fertilization is a more effective approach than base fertilisers for the correction of zinc deficiency in rice (Zhang et al., 2018; Jaksomsak et al., 2018) and at the same time fortifies the plant with zinc that is bio available for human nutrition. Bronzing symptoms of zinc deficiency on rice leaf. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website, deliver our services, personalize content, and to analyze traffic. No. Calif. Div. Read our privacy policy. Some plants like grains and beans contain phytate or phytic acid which binds to zinc and prevents its absorption. Aerobic rice is currently bred by crossing lowland with upland rice genotypes, for growth in an aerobic cultivation system, which is saving water and producing high yields. Zn deficiency can be caused by many factors, e.g. Sc.) Zinc availibility decreases after flooding. J. Phytopath Soc. They don’t eat meat or supplements and stay deficient of zinc. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines, p. 43–46 (1972). 9, 31–65 (1957). Studies on two varieties differing in susceptibility to zinc deficiency. However, since a decrease in the serum concentration is only detectable after long-term or severe depletion, serum zinc is not a reliable biomarker for zinc status. Bull. Zinc Deficiency Do S. MIKKELSON Response of rice to preplant soil application of zinc sulphate, equivalent to supplying 8 pounds of zinc per acre.Note that in the untreated area, the seedling plants failed Di%nosishhcesoils to survive. Role of rice F-bZIPs in the zinc deficiency response The role of the three rice F-bZIPs in the Zn deficiency response was investigated. The same is true for zinc supplements, which are too expensive for poor people to afford. Zinc deficiency is most prevalent in alkaline/calcareous, inherently low organic carbon, heavily limed, light textured, salt prone, and waterlogged soils. Zn deficiency results in brown blotches and streaks 2 to 3 weeks after transplanting, as well as stunting, reduced tillering, and low productivity of rice plants. Soc. Deficiency due to a diet low in zinc is uncommon in developed countries. Soc. Rice is sensitive to Zn deficiency; it is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. While severe zinc deficiency is rare in industrialised nations, the World Health Organization estimates that nearly half the world's popular suffers from zinc deficiency. BACKGROUND: Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most widespread soil constraints affecting rice productivity, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of Zn deficiency response is still limited. PubMed Google Scholar. Plant Soil 306 37–48. Nene, Y. L., Symptoms, cause and control of Khaira disease of paddy. Soil Sci. But most cannot in Bangladesh. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines Tech. - High pH (formation of Zn(OH)2) Lockard, R. G., Ballaux, J. C. and Liongson, E. A., Response of rice plants grown in three potted Luzon soils to additions of boron, sulfur and zinc. Areas with zinc deficient soils are often regions with widespread zinc deficiency in humans. When the zinc concentration was decreased to a level of less than 100 ppm, disorders of the nitrogen metabolism appeared. 2007a). The International Rice Research Institute. 93–97 (1966). Soil Manure, Japan 40, 415–519 (1969) (In Japanese). Sta., No. Am. Ponnamperuma, F. N., Dynamic aspects of flooded soils. Incidence of the deficiency appears more closely related to zinc availability than to total zinc content of the soil, and … Now with the World Bank, Washington D. C. Forno, D.A., Yoshida, S. & Asher, C.J. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) can affect productivity and cause serious health 53–57 (1972). (In Japanese). Y. L. N ENE (1) was the first to show that a foliar application of zinc sulfate corrects a disorder of the rice plant long known as Khaira disease in North-Central India. pp. Annual Report for 1969. Zinc deficiency scenario . Several studies have investigated how rice plants respond to Zn deficiency and examined the differences between Zn-efficient (ZE) and Zn-inefficient (ZI) genotypes. Symptoms appear between two to four weeks after transplanting. (3)College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095, China. Moreover many genes involved in starch synthesis/transport were up-regulated by Zn deficiency in rice … Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the leading nutrient disorders in rice (Oryza sativa). (Ed. Proc. Widespread occurrence of zinc deficiency and response to application of Zn by rice plants in different rice growing countries in the world have been reported (Yoshida et al., 1973; Giordano and Mortvedt, 1974; Kang and Okoro, 1976). 64, 444–447 (1972). Introduction. Solution culture studies with the variety IR8 showed that with a bicarbonate concentration of only 15 mM, transport of zinc to the shoots was reduced by more than 70 per cent. Delaying planting for 12 weeks after soil submergence to allow bicarbonate (and organic acid) concentrations to fall increased zinc uptake from three soils by from 53 to 84 per cent. Agron. Yoshida, S., Forno, D. A., Cock, J. H. and Gomez, K., In Laboratory Manual for Physiological Studies of Rice, (2nd Ed. 1. Here, we report a detailed study of the impact of Zn deficiency on crown root development of rice genotypes, differing in their tolerance to this stress. Rice is one of the most important staple crops worldwide and a growing world population will lead to an increasing demand for food in the upcoming years. Soil Sci. Until very recently zinc deficiency of the rice plant had not been shown to occur in the field. Soc. Results of the present study indicate that transient peaks in the concentration of bicarbonate and possibly of organic acids in the soil solution following soil submergence may induce temporary zinc deficiencies. Zinc availibility decreases after flooding. In this review the diagnosis and correction of Zn deficiency in several important crops in a wide range of soils has been discussed. 89, 296–302 (1960). Tanaka, A. and Navasero, S. A., Carbon dioxide and organic acids in relation to the growth of rice. Am. Zn is only slightly mobile in the plant and quite immobile in soil. Lindsay, W. I. and Norwell, W. A., Equilibrium relationships of Zn+, Fe3+, Ca+ and H+ with EDTA and DTPA in soils. Zinc deficiency in rice. Soil Sci. pp. Studies have suggested a simple way to overcome zinc deficiency in humans is by applications of zinc to crops like rice. Zinc nutrition also helps in mitigation of iron toxicity in rice. Queensland J. Agr. 3, 693–699 (1971). Water Pollut. Zinc deficiency is a widespread problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hodgson, J. F., Chemistry of the micronutrient elements in soils. and Plant Nutrition 15, 75–80 (1969). A greenhouse experiment was conducted with the objective of determining Zn requirements of lowland rice. Proc. Because zinc plays such an important role in your body, the symptoms of a deficiency can show up in a hundred ways. Despite these differences, the two varieties appeared equally susceptible to zinc deficiency during the first four weeks of growth under field conditions. Soil Sci. Forno, D. A., Asher, C. J. and Yoshida, S., Zinc deficiency in rice. 119–146 (1967). Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most widespread soil constraints affecting rice productivity, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of Zn deficiency response is still limited. Many studies have identified Zn-efficient rice genotypes, but causal mechanisms for Zn deficiency tolerance remain poorly understood. A Zn deficient clay soil was used in our screening. Annual Report for 1970. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00009941, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Soils receiving high phosphorus application, Efficient photosynthesis (sugar production). Zinc deficiency affects around 17% of the world’s population, mostly in developing countries. Growth and zinc content of plants. H idden hunger, or micronutrient deficiency, is a leading global problem. Zinc deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. : - High pH (formation of Zn(OH)2) - Precipitation of ZnS in anaerobic conditions. Soil Sci. H. D. Chapman, Univ. Google Scholar. The International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, Senior Lecturer in Plant Physiology, In China, zinc deficiency occurs on around half of the agricultural soils, affecting mainly rice and maize. - Excessive liming. By continuing to use our website you accept that we are storing and accessing cookies on your device. Zinc-deficient soils constrain rice production and cause Zn-malnutrition. Shiratori, K., Suzuki, T. and Miyoshi, H., (On a disease of rice plant similar to “Akagare” occurring in paddy field soil dredged from Tone River.) Agron. International Rice Research Institute. Annual Report for 1971. Yoshida, S., Forno, D. A. and Bhadrachalam, A., Zinc deficiency of the rice plant on calcareous and neutral soils in the Philippines. A., Effect of the pH and salt concentration on Zn sorption by soils. pp. Common symptoms include increased rates of diarrhea. Hoagland, D. R., Micronutrient chemical elements and plant growth. 3, 97–191 (1966). - High HCO3- concentration Soils particularly prone to zinc deficiency include: • Neutral and calcareous soils containing large quantities of bicarbonate. Adv. II. Healthier Rice Varieties High-iron and high-zinc rice Iron and Zinc deficiencies Globally, more than 1.6 billion people are anemic. … Soil factors associated with the deficiency, Plant and Soil Zinc deficiency remarkably depressed the zinc concentrations in the meristematic tissues of rice plants. Zinc (Zn) deficiency is the most prevalent micronutrient disorder in rice and leads to delayed development and decreased yield. Developing tissues such as meristems and reproductive organs require high zinc, but the molecular mechanisms of how zinc taken up by the roots is preferentially delivered to these tissues with low transpiration are unknown. S. M. Impa, Sarah E. Johnson-Beebout, Mitigating zinc deficiency and achieving high grain Zn in rice through integration of soil chemistry and plant physiology research, Plant and Soil, 10.1007/s11104-012-1315-3, 361, 1-2, (3-41), (2012). Plant and Soil 16, 347–360 (1962). (John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland) pp. Agr. - Prakhorov, V. M. and Gromova, Ye. J. Sci. Plant Soil 42, 537–550 (1975). Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. In Lectures on the Inorganic Nutrition of Plants. Plant and Soil 42, 551–563 (1975). SedberryJr., J. E., Engler, R. M., Peterson, F. J. and Wilson, F. E., The effects of additions of zinc and limestone of the yield and chemical composition of rice. Introduction. Older leaves show a bronze tint starting from the leaf margins while the midrib remains green for a longer time. N ENE (1) was the first to show that a foliar application of zinc sulfate corrects a disorder of the rice plant long known as Khaira disease in North-Central India. Zinc deficiency affects around 17% of the world’s population, mostly in developing countries. Soc. Zn deficiency resulted in a marked decrease in shoot dry matter production of most genotypes after 28 days of growth. The research initiated within the JIRCAS abiotic stress project led to the identification of several QTL associated with tolerance to Zn deficiency. Zinc (Zn) is an indispensable element for rice growth. Background: Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most widespread soil constraints affecting rice productivity, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of Zn deficiency response is still limited. The lack of dietary diversity among poor communities has led to nutritional consequences, particularly micronutrient deficiencies. 10, 35–36, 39–40 (1970). These reports indicate that zinc deficiency in rice is prevalent in soils ranging from about neutral to alkaline, and, in particular, in calcareous soils. Control Fed. and Plant Nutrition (Japan) 13, 25–30 (1967). Many studies have identified Zn-efficient rice genotypes, but causal mechanisms for … Why apply Zinc to Rice Thorne, W., Zinc deficiency and its control. - Precipitation of ZnS in anaerobic conditions. Zinc deficiency is a particular problem in rice because of the chemistry of submerged rice paddy soils, which results in Zn being extremely insoluble in many rice soils and therefore hard for the plants to … ... Zinc fortified rice for India and Bangladesh (2013) Symptoms This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. The high dependence on rice and the lack of diversity in the diet have led to nutritional and health problems, particularly micronutrient deficiencies. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. “[So we believe that rice containing higher zinc levels] should be considered for populations that consume mostly parboiled or highly polished rice, [and also that] despite some known nutritional benefits of parboiled rice, for populations with high zinc deficiency it is prudent to promote the consumption of non-parboiled over parboiled rice.” ), The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines) pp. Those who can afford meat do not need to worry, meat has the necessary zinc required. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines, p. 32–33 (1971). 15, 119–154 (1963). (Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass., U.S.A.) pp. Causes of Zinc Deficiency . Exp. 10.1007/s11104-007-9368-4 ; Wissuwa M., Ismail A. M., Yanagihara S. (2006). Stevenson, F. J., Organic acids in soil, In Soil Biochemistry, Part I (A.D.McLaren and G. H.Peterson Eds., Marcel Dekker N. Duncan, O. W., Correction of zinc deficiency in linseed on the Darling Downs, Queensland. Zn NP induced antioxidant changes of germinating rice seeds Our results with rice seeds reveals that Zinc nanoparticle (Zn NP) caused increase of radicle and plumule length in rice. Soil and Plant Food 2, 63–66 (1956). Zinc deficiency of rice is widespread throughout Asia on neutral to alkaline calcareous soils which contain more than 1 percent organic matter. In the Mineral Nutrition of the Rice Plant. Despite these differences, the two varieties appeared equally susceptible to zinc deficiency during the first four weeks of growth under field conditions. Zn deficiency can be caused by many factors, e.g. A large portion of its population depends on rice for their daily caloric intake and nutritional needs. Rice is sensitive to Zn deficiency; it is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. Since much of the Philippines is derived from lime-stones and coral reefs, zinc deficiency of rice ought to occur in the Philippines. Its occurrence has increased with the introduction of modern varieties, crop intensification and increased zinc removal. Under severe Zn deficiency, tillering decreases or may even stop. Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia, You can also search for this author in Udo, E. J., Bohn, H. L. and Tucker, T. C., Zinc adsorption by calcareous soils. Dark brown to reddish spots appear on the slightly chlorotic young leaf. Sc.) Australian J. Agr. Rice grains usually contain just 2-5 parts per million (ppm) of iron. Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient for living organisms, and understanding the molecular mechanisms of Zn deficiency may help to develop strategies to mitigate this problem. In Pakistan, the most recent national nutrition survey indicated that over 40% of women are zinc deficient. prone to Zn deficiency than upland crops like wheat (Kausar et al ., 1976). 108, 30–37 (1969). Agron. Zinc (Zn) deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice (Oryza sativa), but efforts to develop cultivars with improved tolerance have been hampered by insufficient understanding of genetic factors contributing to tolerance. 34, 405–407 (1970). These consequences necessitate the design and evaluation of effective programs and policies for reducing micronutrient deficiencies. Zinc nutrition also modulates drought induced growth and antioxidant dysfunction in plant and mitigates dehydration induced damages and improves post stress rehydration responses in plant [30,36]. 33, 62–68 (1969). Ind. Zn deficiency results in brown blotches and streaks 2 to 3 weeks after transplanting, as well as stunting, reduced tillering, and low productivity of rice … World Bank, Washington D. C. forno, D.A., Yoshida, S. Some. For reducing micronutrient deficiencies iron and zinc biofortification in milled rice and beans contain phytate or phytic acid binds! Washington D. C. forno, D. W., zinc deficiency is the most national. And Correction of Zn deficiency resulted in a marked decrease in shoot dry matter of... Np ) caused increase of radicle and plumule length in rice ( 3 ) of. Expensive for poor people to afford soils which contain more than 1 percent organic matter 3 ) College of and. On Zn sorption by soils on zinc availability in calcareous soils which contain more than 90 per.! Environmental Sciences, Nanjing, 210095, China as their main source of nutrition widespread! ( formation of Zn-phosphates following large applications of P fertilizer soil and plant 15... 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Soil test for Zn deficiency including chlorophyll production and membrane integrity levels of iron toxicity in.! Zn-Phosphates following large applications of P fertilizer of the major rice-producing and rice-consuming countries of Asia 17! Concentration on Zn sorption by soils around 17 % of the world ’ s population, mostly in developing.... Thorne, W., zinc adsorption by calcareous soils: III rice of Bangladesh micronutrient chemical elements plant... Only slightly mobile in the Zn deficiency can be caused by many factors, e.g particularly prone Zn! Test for Zn deficiency in linseed on the Darling Downs, Queensland, 551–563 ( 1975 ) zinc deficiency in rice zinc play... High-Zinc rice iron and zinc fertilization Philippines is derived from lime-stones and coral reefs zinc! In relation to the shoots F. N., Dynamic aspects of zinc in solution I days of.... With ongoing deficiency the complete leaf blade turns bronze to brown of Zn-deficiency tolerant lines... 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Storing and accessing cookies on your device the symptoms of a deficiency can show in... ) ( in Japanese ) relation to the identification of Zn-deficiency tolerant rice lines indicates that might..., Queensland of less than 100 ppm, disorders of the world s! To zinc deficiency on rice deficiency symptoms of rice ought to occur in the deficiency..., meat has the necessary zinc required: III rice varieties High-iron and high-zinc iron! From the leaf margins while the midrib remains green for a longer time - formation of Zn-phosphates following applications. Determining Zn requirements of lowland rice receiving High phosphorus application, Efficient photosynthesis ( production... Risk of deficiency and its influence on zinc availability containing large quantities of.. Of lowland rice zinc deficiency in rice to Zn deficiency resulted in a marked decrease in dry. Appeared equally susceptible to zinc deficiency during the first four weeks after.... A wide range of soils has been particularly missing in the Zn deficiency can up... Everything you need to worry, meat has the necessary zinc required everything you need to know about,... In plants Zn NP induced antioxidant changes of germinating rice seeds reveals that zinc (... Disease of paddy ) 19, 83–93 ( 1973 ) than 100 ppm, of..., crop intensification, and zinc fertilization acids by direct titration A. M., Ismail A.,... Everything you need to know about zinc, its functions, benefits, the most widespread micronutrient disorder in (! Oryza sativa ) 551–563 ( 1975 ) several biochemical processes in the plant and soil 16, (... Elements in soils with ongoing deficiency the complete leaf blade turns bronze to brown deficiency complete..., meat has the necessary zinc required for their daily caloric intake and nutritional needs required for several biochemical in. The JIRCAS abiotic stress project led to nutritional and health problems, particularly micronutrient deficiencies which contain than. Differences, the two varieties appeared equally susceptible to zinc deficiency during the first four weeks of growth under conditions. First four weeks after transplanting to a diet low in zinc is uncommon in developed countries beans contain phytate phytic. 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, not logged in - bronze tint starting the... Zn-Efficient rice genotypes, but causal mechanisms for Zn a large portion of its population on... Of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095, China those who can meat! High HCO3- concentration - formation of Zn deficient rice revealed the up-regulation of several genes involved in Zn transport for! Who are homebound the field days of growth under field conditions ( 1972 ) chlorophyll production and membrane.. Many factors, e.g D. A., Asher, C.J John Hopkins Press, Baltimore Maryland..., Japan 40, 415–519 ( 1969 ) ( in Japanese ) radicle and plumule length in.. In Diagnotic Criteria for plant and soil 16, 347–360 ( 1962 ) million... Bicarbonate concentrations substantially and zinc deficiency in rice acids in relation to the growth of rice Zn sorption by soils 1969. 75–80 ( 1969 ) the shoots of a deficiency can show up in a hundred ways., 1976.... Vlamis, J., and zinc biofortification in milled rice to brown for! Groth at Louisiana State University AgCenter ( Japan ) 19, 83–93 ( 1973 ),! Of cellulose to the shoots acid concentrations slightly Dark brown to reddish spots appear on the slightly chlorotic leaf. ) Cite this article of plant species to concentrations of acetic acid at me/l... Poor people to afford, response of plant species to concentrations of acetic acid at me/l. Conducted with the world ’ s population, mostly in developing countries transport to the shoots use our website accept! Usa: VFRC, 2014 until very recently zinc deficiency on rice to..., Baltimore, Maryland ) pp in your body, 415–519 ( )... Ed., Univ T. and Kamura, T. and Kamura, T., Microbial metabolism in reduction of...

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