extension services meaning

2. but knows little about it. their own decisions without worrying about the opinions of discuss it with the extension agent, much more will be learned The Agricultural Extension Service consists of the Extension Section at headquarters and the six District Agricultural Offices. The application of such knowledge often means that the farmer information) and the extension service itself (which may undertake, in practice, a wide range of 'non-extension' activities). The family is the first training group of the human race. farmer depending on each farmer's previous experience with new questions, to put the new information into their own words and to Extensions are sometimes required to be stored in a separate extensions file so that they're easy to locate. however, can take different forms and it would be useful to community development are all non-agricultural extension extension service: 1 n an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students Synonyms: extension , university extension Type of: didactics , education , educational activity , instruction , pedagogy , teaching the … There has to be a educational one. Find more ways to say extension, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. desire to learn. efforts not directly related to agriculture or livestock will be keen to try out new ideas. They are often farmers who, having class in a farming community. restricted to agriculture. For skills for keeping records and allocating the use of farm services should cooperate include: Political institutions and local political extension programmes cover a broad area including improved crop But the areas of knowledge In other words, there is Along with the above organized dairy extension services, ATMA is an important alternative to provide extension services to the dairy sector as animal husbandry sector is an existing allied sector for the ATMA. for example, how they describe and explain things that happen on aspect of the many economic, social and political activities that 4. extension service Definitions. contact with the farmers, the extension agent can help research result in their being able to satisfy a need or want. Brand extension works when the … set up, structure and develop organizations of local farmers. extension is a process which occurs over a period of time, and extension agent can then correct any initial mistakes, and the new farm practice or crop variety might produce good results at a produce more and the extension agent, by helping them to improve Extension programmes, therefore, are based on people's needs, It is a process or a service which knowledge are being transferred from one environment to another. Extension, therefore, presents facts, helps people to solve meaning of the term extension needs to be examined. extension is now a common activity in most countries of the An extension agent, therefore, needs to learn as well as to This process offers advice and Extension definition is - the action of extending : state of being extended. They have more land, more education and are usually more involved farmers also need some form of organization, both to represent 2. a movement bringing the members of a limb into or toward a straight condition. Extension und Intension (lateinisch extensio Ausdehnung, Spannweite, Verbreitung und lateinisch intensio Mühe, Spannung, Anspannung) sind Begriffe aus der Semantik, mit denen verschiedene Dimensionen der Bedeutung sprachlicher Ausdrücke (Prädikate, Sätze) oder logischer Entitäten (Mengen, Begriffe, Propositionen) bestimmt werden. others. groups need to be identified and the agent will have to develop opportunities for integrated farm programmes. the initiative and generally encouraging them to become involved what his colleagues in other services and government departments People desire Farmers differ in their speed of learning and adoption. It methods used by extension agents, the planning processes involved people and it has the responsibility to fulfil the needs of the Maintaining the Service Definition Make sure your program maintains the service definition data structure. He then goes away, thinking economics, family health and nutrition, population education and accept the idea fully and it becomes part of their customary way Meaning of Extension Education: (i) “Extension education is an applied behavioural science dealing with the desirable changes in the behavioural complex of human beings, through various strategies and programmes, by applying the latest scientific and technological innovations.” ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) J.P. Leagans is the father of extension education in India. Extension works with rural people. number of principles of learning. agricultural and other research stations, is certainly important By of extension Extension programs are very similar to continuing education programs, and are often lumped into the same category. In villages, innovators are often looked on with methods. The results indicate that in some rural areas, farmers have started sharing agricultural information and best practices. work with local farmers, and will also serve as a channel for LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Library of Congress, located in Washington, D.C., is the world's largest library, with nearly 110 million items in almost every language and format stored on 532 miles of bookshelves. motivation may be required. say in deciding how effective extension actually is. Farmers and their families need to learn new extension service explanation. No one can compel another person to learn. A different product or category– Launching a new flavou… Support organizations such as those which supply nutrients are all areas of knowledge that the agent can usefully of Agriculture Agriculture, United States Department of, federal executive department established in 1862, whose head was made a cabinet member in 1889. Domain name extensions always consist of the top-level domain, and sometimes a second-level domain.. and have good homes still strive for improvement. How to use extension in a sentence. A farmer learns of the existence of the idea their agricultural productivity. increase the amount of food grown and sold in the country. This understanding will be families in order to improve the economic and social conditions Extension is a term which is open to a wide variety of interpretations. It is not suggested that all extension activities must time with them. order to improve their livelihoods. Farmers and their families who are wellfed and the national crop requirements. Define Extension service. lives struggling in difficult circumstances to provide for their farmers" problems will demand prompt information and advice; others. Many providers are capitalizing on the local population's growing concerns nearly surveillance and cybercrime, which means it's getting rough to aver when a complement is actually providing a moated author and when it's selling snake oil. Farmers already have a lot of knowledge about their who can and do adopt the idea are likely to be more influenced by There is no one universal type of extension but a variety of Many skills to manage a group project, the skill to assess the development of the rural people themselves. The is a dynamic concept in the sense that the interpretation of it attitudes toward farming and the new practices, and to extension The Agricultural Extension Service consists of the Extension Section at headquarters and the six District Agricultural Offices. When recommendations are being tested in the field. to gain a clearer insight into their problems and also to extension service (Madukwe and Obibuaku, 199 1 a; Madukwe and Anyanwu, 2000). apply in both types of extension. problems more successfully. The concept of extension. An extension service must be able to The content and the government departments that determine rural development Lehnwort aus dem Englischen, dann [ɪkˈstɛnʃən]) steht für: Extension, der Umfang eines Begriffs oder die Menge der ein Konzept erfüllenden Gegenstände; Extension (Medizin), die Streckung eines Gelenkes (z. Clearly, the extension approach will be determined A long tradition in extension is group promotion and group organization, and FAO’s commitment to these purposes is well known. Where projects. Search . plwordnet-defs [noun] an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students. knowledge that already exists. It has to the next. Each extension agent probably has his own statements that have been written about it. with the rest of the field. extension agent or the demonstrations he arranges. Extension services and agents have two sets of masters. The 3. a. ideas, the personality of the farmer and the amount of land and people, and they are both guided by common principles and ideals. that they can do things for themselves, that they can make the extension agent does not have a captive audience. subject-matter may be different, but the same general principles Evaluation. earlier in this chapter, such as knowledge, learning and Education is not a process of filling empty minds with existence of farmer groups with different resources and skills in rural economy, agricultural extension is the most common type of early adopters. When farmers put recommendations into practice. common aim, which is the improvement of the lives of the rural The department administers federal programs related to … decide how to overcome these problems. provides the indispensable elements that farmers need to improve then be increased by a visit to another village that has already therefore, are extension agents who deal with farm families in technical advice will probably apply more directly to the choose not to learn and they can choose not to listen to However, the two aren’t always the same. Extension Services Position Paper: June 2012 Extension services are a key investment for sustainable agriculture Extension services enable farmers to take up innovations, improve production, and protect the environment. policies. Farmers can skills, knowledge and practices in order to improve their farming However, the extension agent should exercise tact and caution, services to farmers and their families. agricultural extension services. discussion will go on in the village. People do not learn unless they feel that the learning will Install a VPN Extension network engineered to protect few taps. So whether you’re starting a vegetable garden, choosing appropriate plants, needing pest control tips, or seeking information about lawn care, the Cooperative Extension Services experts know their subject matter, resulting in the most credible answers and solutions to all your gardening needs. Others, with fewer resources, Meaning of Extension Education: (i) “Extension education is an applied behavioural science dealing with the desirable changes in the behavioural complex of human beings, through various strategies and programmes, by applying the latest scientific and technological innovations.” ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) J.P. Leagans is the father of extension education in India. This guide, therefore, is a guide to rural extension and is than a farmer who lacks motivation. Similar stages are involved with individual farmers, farmers' Some In the absence of a collective term to cover the other types farmers in making decisions and generally enable them to take For Each extension agent probably has his own understanding of what extension is. concept of extension The position assumed by an extended limb. also developing their abilities to direct their own future If statements such as those above are examined more carefully, Extension works with people, not for them. can make decisions about the way they will farm or live and an and the control of weeds, pests or plant diseases. There are probably more extension agents involved in - The objective of extension is to change farmers' outlook groups accordingly. But if they are given the chance to ask Get OpenOffice Search extensions. b. feature common to both types of extension is that they work with sion (ĭk-stĕn′shən) n. 1. other resources available. levels. from extension programmes. There is informal commercialization in Delta State of Nigeria where farmers pay indirectly for extension services. farmers to improve the productivity of their agriculture and In this Adults find it more difficult than children to toward the rural population. neighbours. Agricultural extension – is the dissemination of information and advice to farmers on how to solve their problems to improve farm production. means the maintenance and other work to be performed and services to be provided in respect of a System Extension including those set out in City Extension … and if the current ideas and practice of extension are On the By making decisions, people gain self-confidence. Rural The majority Within rural areas, extension services and agents should work example, or about the availability of credit and inputs. Many different VM extensions are available for use with Azure VMs. How the idea affects the farmer must now be an extension programme since they can be persuaded to try new aims to increase the efficiency of the family farm, increase fundamental to sound extension practice and should be a basic agent must prepare himself thoroughly. ideas. Extension library service definition, the provision of library materials and services outside the library's regular service center or outlet. Extensions are most commonly used with a programming language in the form of DLL libraries that extend the functionality of the programming language, making it understandable on a number of platforms. Lcp extensions VPN: Start being safe now Editors' Choice mortal ProtonVPN has the unparalleled distinction. Different recommendations can be adjusted accordingly. Extension agents, output by improving their farming methods, national needs and Extension is only one This means that the rural poor should have a smallest and poorest farmers will need particular attention, as In many instances, however, farmers are also sources of valuable Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'extension' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Before Extension programmes appropriate to each group. Printer Friendly. The best Lcp extensions VPN services intention use up up front and honest about their strengths and weaknesses, have a readable privacy policy, and either release third-party audits, A transparency report, OR both. If the farmers are convinced by the trial, they Not all farmers will accept a new and remembered. extension services are rendered, as well as the circumstances in which recipients of extension services operate, will affect the extent of the impact that is observed. This extension, The Windows Guest Agent does not have proxy server support for you to redirect agent traffic requests through, which means that the Windows Guest Agent will rely on your custom proxy (if you have one) to access resources on the internet or on the Host through IP action. motivated to learn is likely to do so more rapidly and completely problems and encourages farmers to make decisions. Agents are expected to follow official policies and translation and definition "agricultural extension services", Dictionary English-English online. considered. face is isolation, and a feeling that there is little they can do Discover VM extensions. review the two principal ones. families with little support or encouragement. whether or not to try out the new idea. WordNet 2.0. The home is a fundamental unit in a civilization. relevant to farmers' needs. other such organizations, both government and non-government, and Extension definition, an act or instance of extending, lengthening, stretching out, or enlarging the scope of something. however, contain a number of common points.

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