start hcps ortg
Judy Simon has accepted the Administrative Support Specialist - Customer Service position. Virtual Real Talks will continue to be produced during the extended closure. Children do not have to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Community members who wish to submit a public comment may do so by submitting comments in writing at Contact Board of Education no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, May 18, 2020. 11. The prekindergarten, early entrance, and advanced placement applications, as well as kindergarten registration and waivers were scheduled to begin the first Friday in May. and menu, A Survey from HCPS in Response to COVID-19. semi-monthly payroll calendar. Comments received after the 12:00 p.m. deadline will not be read into the record during the Business meeting. medication On May 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., the Board of Education of Harford County Business Meeting will be hosted virtually. becomes available. Phone call If you suspect your ISP is blocking The most recent addition to the FAQ? The following information must be provided in the contact form when submitting comments: Please contact with any questions on submitting public comments at the Board of Education Business meeting. by clicking on the COVID-19 button at the top of our website or by clicking here. On March 16, 2020, HCPS closed schools, at the direction of Governor Hogan, in response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. If you have existing HCPS students, the email address must match the legal guardian email address on the student record. We will add grade levels to the one day/week hybrid as described below. Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic Registration forms are limited to one (1) per person. In my video message last week, I shared that Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) has developed a survey to gather more information related to digital learning as we continue to work with our Board of Education and other members of our leadership team to determine the best way to increase our digital learning capacity and initiatives going into the next school year. She is eager to start in her new role and contribute to the success of HCPS. If you need support in resetting your password, contact Pre-K report cards will be sent by email. date information. Armstrong Cable, in conjunction with Harford County Government and HCPS, has installed a free WiFi hotspot near the upper parking lot at North Harford High School. or visit the HCPS YouTube channel for a "tour" through the new meal kit! CSP program begins in middle school up to 4 days/week, If you have questions about operations, like transportation, meals, cleaning protocols, playground use, etc. Schools, will be closed March 16 through March 27, 2020. Please contact us!. Your participation is essential to being prepared for the return of our students. The Board expects that all comments will be submitted with the decorum and respect appropriate to the conduct of public business. UPDATE: OCTOBER 19, 2020 HCPS understands how important extra-curricular activities are for students and their families, especially in the senior year of high school. In accordance with Board policy, if the number of speakers impede the ability of the Board to complete scheduled business, the Board reserves the right to reduce the amount of time allotted per speaker, or overall time allotted for public comment. If you receive the letter and card and do qualify for the benefit, the appropriate funds will be available on your card. To encourage our community to number student email is provided as a privilege for students to better collaborate and communicate with one another and their teachers for educational purposes. High school counselors and Principals are confirming graduation requirements for the senior class with respect to the changes and waivers made to graduation requirements by the Maryland State Department of Education and our local Board of Education. The meeting will be streamed live, "Wait... How Do I Do That? Remember that you should not return to work or school the Food services hours and locations have been updated and are posted on Full guidance from the CDC may be found here. *Students returning to school must complete and return the COVID-19 Parent Acknowledgement Letter, available in the Required Documents on. Please include "Comment for May 18, 2020 Board Meeting" at the top of your contact form message. Comments received by 12:00 p.m. on June 8, 2020 will be read into the record during the public comment segment of the Business meeting. The Harford County Public Schools has more than 2,500 partnerships with businesses, community organizations, government, faith-based groups, and others. The new definition is: For a printable version of the graphic included with this information, please, In addition, members of the Emotional Recovery Team, established to support students and staff through the pandemic, would like to share, ", As we look to expand in-person learning and welcome additional secondary students into Harford County Public Schools, an. IP Server:, HostName:, DNS Server: they All school sanctioned travel is You can verify and/or update this email address in Home Access Center (HAC). Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand. If you have an email address in our mass communication system, we will also email the program information directly to you on July 1. Send a Facebook message. Meal Kit Pick Up Date Change! Teams should not Discussions regarding fourth quarter are ongoing, and we are considering many options if the school closure is extended. While the error was identified, mailings of letters and P-EBT cards were already underway. The last day for students: June 12, 2020- Last day for prekindergarten students 4. Those eligible for MCHP are uninsured children under age 19, whose household modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is at or below 211% of the federal poverty level (FPL) for their family size. World Health Organization (WHO). UPDATE: DECEMBER 14, 2020 We are pleased to share that we have successfully distributed devices that were offered to all Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) students. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HARFORD COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PARTICIPATION BUSINESS MEETING JANUARY 11, 2021 - 6:30PM The Board of Education of Harford County Business Meeting will be held on January 11, 2021, at 6:30PM with only Board Members, staff, and presenters in attendance. This option will include minor weather events that are deemed not significant enough to close the building for staff. By being able to use virtual instruction during inclement weather days, HCPS will be able to follow the academic calendar as scheduled. The Audio Live Stream will be available on HCPS.ORG/BOE/LIVESTREAM. Third Quarter Report Cards will be available on Home Access Center (HAC) on, HCPS has created an email address for staff, students, and parents/guardians to request mental health support and/or a referral from one of our school social workers. Students can take these streamlined exams on any device they have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. hands, with soap and water, particularly before and after meals, but also as needed throughout During this first virtual Real Talk segment, HCPS Mental Health Coordinator and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Christina Alton shares information about how parents can cope with anxiety and support their children’s mental health during the COVID-19 crisis. to Will these seniors still be eligible to graduate and participate in graduation ceremonies? Yes, students will receive credit for courses for the remainder of the third quarter and the fourth quarter. For any other questions, please contact We are call TBD 2 day/week in-person learning This option would be implemented when an unexpected weather event occurs while students may be in school buildings (North Harford Connectivity Hub). use of this system is subject to the employee and student acceptable use policies (aups), and by accessing this system you agree that the username and password issued to you shall not be used by any other individual and shall remain confidential information. This information will be sent to all current Kindergarten through grade 8 (entering grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year) families on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. We do not anticipate the ability to expand the schedule for students currently attending one day per week to two days per week unless social distancing guidance is adjusted. As we look forward to returning to our schools, we want to ensure we gain your input and feedback as school building use is evaluated; we know that our ultimate goal is to return all students to the school buildings and when we do, we want to be on the path to making sure our school buildings are best serving the needs of our students. All HCPS computers will have web-based access to itslearning, Office 365, and other online resources via the site. Harford County Public Schools invites you to view videos from students, staff and the community highlighting the school system throughout the year. Speakers will be notified when they have reached their 2-minute mark and callers will be removed from the meeting. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Superintendent Director of Special Education, Important Message from Superintendent Bulson, A Special Message for the Senior Class of 2020. Registration forms are limited to one (1) per person. If changes need to be made to the meal kit distribution date, due to scheduled holidays or school closures, information will be posted on BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HARFORD COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PARTICIPATION BUSINESS MEETING DECEMBER 7, 2020 - 6:30PM The Board of Education of Harford County Business Meeting will be held on December 7, 2020, at 6:30PM with only Board Members, staff, and presenters in attendance. A photo of handwritten work is also an option for students. Please note: Students who do not wish to take the exam may cancel without a cancellation fee. have a fever of 100 degrees or higher. Community members who wish to provide comments during the Public Comment segment of the Business meeting are required to register by completing the Public Comment Registration Form. Community members who wish to submit public comment may do so by submitting comments in writing at Contact Board of Education no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, June 22, 2020. This is a rapidly changing situation, and one which Topics such as personnel matters, pending appeals, specific student disciplinary matters or which constitute commercial solicitations are not permitted. -Phone Number At Governor Hogan's Press Conference, State Superintendent Salmon announced schools will remain closed through the end of the school year. website, to make pick-up arrangements. Salmon announced that all Maryland public school systems, including Harford County Public A web survey has also been developed to provide all stakeholders an opportunity to contribute to the process, even if not selected for the phone survey. The laptop must be connected to a WiFI network with Internet access. Essentials Letter, Comcast County metrics have reached 15+ per 100,000 daily positive cases and the rate of positive cases is at or above 5%. *Please note that all key dates are contingent on metrics staying within the target range for Moderate Transmission as well as the school system's ability to adhere to CDC and Health Department guidance, like maintaining six feet of social distancing. The fourth quarter grade will be recorded as Pass (P), Fail (F), or Incomplete (I) based on work completed during the quarter. Instruction: Virtual for all students Canceling all instruction on inclement weather days would require make-up days to be used in the summer. Michael J. Thatcher stay home from school if you have a fever of 100 degrees or higher. A HAC account will need to be established in order to access your child’s report card. Meal delivery sites where breakfast and dinner will be delivered with lunches, are listed on Certain Risk Minimisation Materials on this website … End of Year Celebrations continue to be discussed; more information will be provided soon! The expectation to allow time for students to wash their hands with soap and water If your family has received the letter and card in error, and you do not have a child eligible for the benefit, there will not be any funds available on the P-EBT card and you may dispose of the letter and card. Organization (WHO). The Office of Special Education has been diligently reviewing guidance from the United States Department of Education (USDOE) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to continue to move forward with special education services during this closure. Today, daycares in HCPS buildings will remain open for one hour beyond the end of the school The survey link is also accessible from our website, › (9 seconds ago) / US, Domain Extensions: .COM .ORG .EDU .NET .GOV .US .CA .DE .UK .IT .AU .CO .BIZ .IO .NL .SG .INFO .IE .ME .FR .EU .RU .PH .INT .IN .ES .CZ .VN .TV .SITE .RO .PL .PK .MOBI .LK .JM .CN .CH .AT, © 2020 continues, our school system and Harford County Health Department are fielding an increasing This includes any asynchronous instruction days in the future. Start a petition of your own. We are currently working on contingency plans as they relate to extra-curriculars, including sports, capstone projects, proms, and other student activities, and will communicate these plans as they become available. The following is a message shared on behalf of College Board: On Friday, March 20, 2020, Advanced Placement teachers received information from College Board regarding AP exams. I want to thank our food and nutrition department who has been preparing and distributing The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced an expanded definition of who is considered a COVID-19 close contact. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your response to your school’s survey/questionnaire by noon on October 16. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HARFORD COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PARTICIPATION BUSINESS MEETING JANUARY 11, 2021 - 6:30PM 5. HCPS is not equipped to deliver comprehensive online instruction Be sure to stay connected to your Teachers with questions about instruction. how to access this and additional resources. To do this effectively and efficiently, there will be a change to the attendance app where students in grades 4 through 12 “check in” each day. Directions to set up an account are posted on the COVID-19 webpage on Harford County Public Schools is committed to the health and safety of our students and staff and is working continuously with local and state health officials as new information becomes available. Meals will be provided to all children, ages 2-18, without charge. The Presiding Officer will not read a comment that does not conform to the rules of the Board regarding public comment. (2 days ago) The following information was shared with the hcps community via email on wednesday, october 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. as more students return to in-person learning in harford county public schools, school staff will continue to track which students are in the buildings each day. Beginning November 23, 2020, students in Kindergarten through grade 3 will be required to use the attendance app to check in each day. Where is My Report Card Edition" with Assistant Principal Spence to see how and where to access your report card on HAC. Watch a special "Wait... How Do I Do That? College Board will send directions to students on computer use for testing soon. 5. RETURN TO VIRTUAL LEARNING EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2020. Use of this system is subject to the Employee and Student Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs), and by accessing this system you agree that the USERNAME and PASSWORD issued to you shall not be used by any other individual and shall remain confidential … As we near the end of the eighth week of school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Special Education hopes that you and your family continue to be safe and healthy. The meeting will be streamed live and archived for later viewing on the HCPS Website. Thank you and we hope you have a wonderful day. a microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of office, and 1 tb of cloud storage. HCPS has welcomed many students back to the classroom. UPDATE: JANUARY 7, 2021 media channels, and of course, through this channel. Valproate- Healthcare professionals (HCPs) Guide Pregnancy prevention programme. Buildings: Closed early for staff; staff receive additional instruction from your supervisor Registered speakers are required to call-in and enter the conference ID# at 6:30PM on Monday, November 9, 2020. We will add grade levels to the one day/week hybrid as described below. Parents with students in middle and high school should contact their administrator or school counselor with non-technical questions. Comments received by 12:00 p.m. on May 18, 2020 will be read into the record during the public comment segment of the Business meeting. Just a reminder, students should stay home from school until they have been fever free All fields on the registration form must be completed. Speakers are reminded that public comments are considered public information and, The school system depends on the support of parents and the community in accomplishing its mission of educating every child. The health and safety of our students and community members is our first priority, so thank you for everything you have been doing toward that end. It will take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey online. Please encourage your student to check in through the attendance app every school day, Monday through Friday. This message will be sent to middle and high school parents/guardians by your school with the specific survey/questionnaire linked at approximately 5:00 p.m. 3. Don't forget to visit our COVID-19 webpage for the HCPS FAQ that is regularly updated with important information for students and families. Expected hold times may vary based on the number of registered speakers. open to the public beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17, 2020; this includes all tracks, Click Can’t access your account. I want to thank our employees for their persistence in reaching out to families and beginning the process of helping our students continue their learning at home. An Important Message from the Office of Special Education. There are thirty-three elementary schools in Harford County. I live in the North Harford area and do not have internet access. This information will be sent directly to the HCPS community members with emails in our mass communication system at 4:00 p.m. Please EVERYONE email the school board members and urge them to ALLOW 10TH GRADERS TO FINISH WHERE THEY START! are working closely together and receiving guidance from the Harford County Health Department, Virtual Instruction; Buildings Open 26 likes. This week, teachers and other instructional staff returned to work in this new and evolving environment of school closures and stay-at-home orders. communication. 5. UPDATE: JANUARY 5, 2021 On Monday, November 2, 2020 schools are closed for Professional Development (PD) in HCPS. the Board Room of the A.A. Roberty Building with only Board Members, staff, and presenters in attendance. in the buildings when students return, please review the Continuity of Learning Plan. This includes any asynchronous instruction days in the future. View Superintendent Bulson's message to graduating seniors here. This is an important message regarding P-EBT, a new pandemic program that provides food benefits to children eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. Can families ‘check out’ devices from HCPS? Yesterday, in conjunction with Governor Hogan’s press conference, State Superintendent of schools, Dr. Karen Salmon, closed all Maryland public schools through April 24, 2020. the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, or MEMA, at 410-517-3720, and asks that Maryland of Consequently, we will return to virtual learning effective this Friday, November 13, 2020. concern Report a policy violation. As you may be aware, at a press conference held today at 4:15 p.m., State Superintendent Karen Remember Me Teachers will follow-up with students throughout the week to address questions, provide feedback, and collect evidence that students are ready to move on to the next week of learning. 8. A recent review of completed plans reveals that over 90% of our families have communicated with their special education case manager to craft an individualized plan and to support the delivery of special education during the school closure. days/week in those grades) Tomorrow, your student will bring home instructional materials to be completed during the You will then need to enter your child’s student ID number so we may confirm which families have accessed the online resources. Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP). Registrations must be received by 9:00AM on Monday, October 26, 2020. Report Cards on Home Access Center (HAC) for students in K-12 Please note: Report cards that cannot be viewed via Home Access Center (HAC) can be emailed to parents/guardians. Translate Newsletter High Contrast Mode ... Teachers, start your Master of Arts in Education this November and lock in the discounted tuition rate. Updates. Superintendent How is HCPS providing support for parents/guardians and students during this time, most specifically support relating to mental health? Community members who wish to provide comments during the Public Comments segment of the Business meeting are required to register by completing this form Public Comment Registration Form. UPDATE: OCTOBER 6, 2020, NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PARTICIPATION, BUSINESS MEETING - OCTOBER 12, 2020 - 6:30PM. will If a family's income is greater, they may still be eligible for MCHIP Premium which requires a small monthly premium. As coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in China and subsequent positive cases in the United Students will receive credit in the same manner as if schools were in session. Additionally, the lessons are recorded and available on-demand so teachers and students can access them any time. This is an important update about the free and reduced meal benefit program. (2 days ago) Email directory search. Please continue to stay healthy and take care of one another. Sincerely, Speakers are reminded that public comments are considered public information and, as such, are subject to the Maryland Public Information Act. The Board of Education of Harford County Business Meeting will be held on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 6:30PM in the Board Room of the A.A. Roberty Building with only Board Members, staff, and presenters in attendance. 7. Be sure to pick up your meal kit the Friday BEFORE, on October 30, 2020. Materials will be available from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. On a related note, we are adding two new meal sites today and two additional sites on Monday, so please visit to see the list of sites to be used for food and materials distribution and for news about new sites we may add in the future. Those experiencing a mental health emergency requiring immediate attention are reminded to call 911. and guardians, our students, and our staff, for your patience, understanding, and flexibility as Remember that you should not Tech Support for families will continue and information has been attached to this communication. Translate Newsletter High Contrast Mode Aa Aa Aa HCPS 411 Update October 29, 2020 HCPS 411 Update ... MAEd/Administration and Supervision As an experienced educator, you are ready to start leading and helping teachers thrive. we've developed a suite of premium outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. to be vigilant in your efforts to keep your students and community healthy. there are changes to this work schedule, employees will be contacted via our normal avenues of Welcome to Harford County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services. Updates to Meal Kit Distribution Effective Friday, November 13, 2020 (No Meal Kit Pick Up Wednesday, November 11): In your meal kit, you will now receive food for 5 meals along with a half-gallon of milk to be used over the course of 5 days. Parents with students in kindergarten through fifth grade may contact their teacher with any other questions and parents with students in middle and high school should contact their school counselor with non-technical questions. According to guidance issued by MSDE on April 2, 2020: " is not necessary for the local school system to convene an IEP meeting IF you and your school staff can agree on the services your child will receive during this time that schools are closed.". for Secondary Students, Comcast Internet We are currently working on contingency plans as they relate to extra-curriculars, including sports, capstone projects, proms, and other student activities, and will communicate these plans as they become available. LEARN MORE AND GET STARTED TODAY: … Questions? Your secondary school will ask you to complete a survey/questionnaire by 12:00 p.m. on October 16, 2020 to let them know how your student(s) will proceed. visit Email is required. This message will sent via the mass communication system on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Dear Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) Families. As more students return to in-person learning in Harford County Public Schools, school staff will continue to track which students are in the buildings each day. the closure. (2 days ago) Need an account? IP Server:, HostName:, DNS Server: The following information was shared with the HCPS community via email on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Educational material for Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) about the Pregnancy Prevention Programme. There are thirty-three elementary schools in Harford County. Register Here for NON-HCPS ONLY HCPS students and teachers DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER and can login with their HCPS e-mails. all schools have been directed to ensure students and staff are given the opportunity to wash Where is My Report Card Edition". You can also click here to access the directions. 1. At this evening's Board of Education of Harford County Business Meeting, I will be joined by Harford County Health Department partners to discuss the effect of COVID-19 on our community. Participants are encouraged to bring a bag to carry home meals each day. Username Password. Registrations must be received by 9:00AM on Monday, November 9, 2020. While there are Internet resources included within the Weekly Learning Experiences, they are written so that students can complete the experiences without a device or Internet. Finally, we are nearing the deadline (May 18) for completion of MSDE’s Parent Survey. The test dates for students are forthcoming and will be communicated by College Board as soon as possible. Anticipated Last Day of School for HCPS Students is June 16, 2020 for students in grades K-11, pending final approval from MSDE. Please continue to take advantage of all school and county resources. Superintendent Mrs. Esbrandt Lead Secretary- Mrs. Topper Secretary - Mrs. Rose Secretary - HCPS Office of Family and Community Partnerships, the Harford County Council of PTA, and the North Star Parent Advisory Council are seeking parents/guardians who are willing to participate in regional focus groups, … Please continue to monitor the HCPS Coronavirus web page for updates and the latest system news about the ongoing pandemic. We will not be mailing report cards. Community members who wish to provide comments during the Public Comments segment of the Business meeting are required to register by completing this form Public Comment Registration Form. Visit Disparaging comments, personal attacks, and inflammatory remarks about specific schools or personnel will not be read into the record. All public comments submitted will be part of the records maintained by the Board office. All information provided in survey responses will remain confidential by HCPS and will only be reported collectively. Contact the Benefits Office by email at Parents/Guardians and staff members to work from home or working from the Maryland Public information.! Or evidence of learning plan remains posted on Wednesday, April 15 display as a part of the,. Notice of Public Business any time, pending appeals and specific student matters... Holiday closure and additional start hcps ortg like required documents and how-to videos have accessed the resources. S Parent survey HCPS e-mails on everything from grades, to testing, to graduation credits other! 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