while wend loop in qbasic examples
The Do While...Loop is used to execute statements until a certain condition is met. The following Do Loop counts from 1 to 100. Among these looping statements FOR ... NEXT is the most common and popular looping statement. 1. WEND. QBT9_2.BAS The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. http://www.SchoolFreeware.com There are three types of loops for QBasic. WHILE a<=5. I'm used to the do while loop, so I was wondering what would be the difference between this two loops.. Replies. Example 1:Using WHILE to clear the keyboard buffer. Since x was being incremented inside the loop, the loop does not repeat again after the "x = x + 1" assignment that set x to 3. QB64 Wiki & Manual is found at www.qb64.org/wiki/Main_Page If condition evaluates to true, instruction-list is executed, otherwise the control is transferred to instructions immediately after WEND. Code DownloadQBT9_1.BAS QBT9_3.BAS Example 2: Write a procedure or macro using While wend that does the following: Get “Qualified” in column E if the value of column D is above 200 Sub While_Wend_Loop_Example2() r = 2 'If condition evaluates to True, statements between the While and Wend statements is executed. It is useful to organize multiple variables. If it is not True, execution resumes with the statement following the Wendstatement. The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. Unknown March 1, … While a condition is true, the code part inside the loop will run until the condition is false. Private Sub Constant_demo_Click() Dim Counter : Counter = 10 While Counter < 15 ' Test value of Counter. The process of repeating or doing same task many times until the given condition is true is called looping or iteration. Each Wend matches the most recent While. CLS INPUT "enter any number "; num. Palindrome number or not. This tutorial will show the Do Loop. Reversed Number or not. If condition is True, all statements are executed until the Wend statement is encountered. WHILE INKEY$ <> "" : WEND. A zip file of OldDOS can be found at www.pcxt-micro.com/download.html PRINT "Press any key to continue" WHILE INKEY$="" WEND In the example above, you see a press any key prompt that waits until the user presses a … Reply Delete. you can view you connected WiFi password with single line DOS command. In the example, the WHILE...WEND structure would run only as long as x was less than 3. QBASIC Functions and Statements Loop. Reading some answers in stackoverflow I saw a while wend loop. Sometimes, using CTRL BREAK (QBasic 1.1) can end the infinite loop. If any pair of ith character from the start and ith character from the end are not equal then it means that the number is not a palindrome, set flag = 0.; If the flag is equal to 0 then the input number is not a palindrome. When you run this, the program will print a until it’s value is less than or equal to 5. Sometimes, using CTRL BREAK (QBasic 1.1) can end the infinite loop. ... FBbox/https://www.facebook.com/technicalschoolnepal, Please Enable Javascript To See All Widget, View Connected WiFi Password with Single line DOS Command, Automata theory (Discrete Structure Note). DO...LOOP; FOR...NEXT; UNTIL (condition) _CONTINUE Control then returns to the While statement and condition is again checked. The reason is that QBasic executes code line by line, and before the WHILE a <> b not a nor b where defined and the program skipped to WEND and END. msgbox "The Current Value of the Counter is : " & Counter Wend ' While loop exits if Counter Value becomes 15. DosBox is a free download at www.dosbox.com End Sub. If there is not a condition to end the loop, the computer will be sent through an infinite loop. a=0. Unknown March 1, 2017 at 7:54 AM. CLS i = 1 INPUT "Enter any number "; n WHILE i <= 10 PRINT n; "x"; i; "="; i * n i = i + 1 WEND END DO ... LOOP It is another type of looping statement in QBASIC. WEND. Then in the DO...LOOP structure, the variable "x" is decremented each cycle. The loop here is pretty obvious, the code within the loop will execute as long as the WHILE a <> b condition becomes true. IF a MOD 2 = 1 THEN a = a \ 2 ELSE a = a / 2 END IF WEND PRINT "" PRINT "" PRINT "Binary code is reversed" WHILE INKEY$ <>" "WEND GOTO start ... so I guess you have to do it yourself. There are the While, Do Loop, and the For loop. The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. Description. The DO WHILE…LOOP is executed as long as the specified condition is TRUE. A for...next loop executes a set of statements for successive values of a variable until a limiting value is encountered. Loop is a statement which executes one or more lines of code in certain number of times.