1 peter 4:8 reflection
Nothing could stand against it. 2. Jesus put it this way in the Sermon on the mount: Matthew 6:38-48 “ 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.‘ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. Let me now speak of another stewardship of God's manifold grace; that which we ordinarily know as talent; ability of various kinds, wherewith many are considerably, and some few eminently, endowed. THE APPLICATION.1. As we receive, so we are to give. "Stewards." 1 Peter 4 . 1. The gifts of personal influence, of discerning sympathy, of persuasiveness of speech, of practical wisdom, as distinct from knowledge. The universe cannot bend itself to your will, therefore look not for too great results. See how the little, almost imperceptible, seed, being cast into the ground in the proper season, with proper care, is blessed by the bounteous Author, and is made to bring forth thirty, sixty, a hundred fold. It is constantly assumed, in Scripture, that all habits of luxurious living, all undue con cessions to the desires of the lower nature, have an injurious effect upon character. Let me now speak of another stewardship of God's manifold grace; that which we ordinarily know as talent; ability of various kinds, wherewith many are considerably, and some few eminently, endowed. They tend to impair the delicacy of the religious susceptibilities. There ought to be a certain God-like liberality in our efforts to distribute the favours with which God loads us. Difficult Bible Passages: 1 Peter 4:8. God's love is the point from which to move the soul. As a result, many think they are Christians who are not. We never shall be good stewards, till we know and apply this truth, and carry it out in practice in our own times, and among those with whom we live. This is that quality in a thing which causes it to move of itself. It is universal. But we must learn to drive these intruders from the altar, as Abraham drove the fowls away. "Am I a good steward of this manifold grace?" The metal was to be kept glowing, and the chill of selfishness warded off. The desire to benefit mankind may be as sincere and as fervent in him whose means are limited, as in the richest and the most powerful of the sons of men. 4. A seeming virtuous indignation is often only an ebullition of wounded pride and vanity. But, in the second place, the apostle says, in the text, that charity "SHALL COVER THE MULTITUDE OF SINS." Some rail at parsimony because they are open handed. But now observe, this "as" applies to degree as well as to form. yet is he to be of all others the most serviceable; he must not put his light under a bushel, nor hide his talent in a napkin.1. No man deserves credit for mere intellectual power any more than for brute force. Zollikofer. If any hear, let him hear "as the oracles of God," not as a well-tuned sound, to help you to sleep an hour; not as a human oration, to displease or please you for an hour; not as a school lesson, to add some what to your stock of knowledge, or as a feast of new notions; but hear as the oracles of God. It is the greatest gift. IV. (Dean Alford. And though the practical consequences of that disposition may not be as extensively felt in the one case as in the other, still God regards the sincerity and the fervency of that love, which prompts us both to labour and to endure, in such sort, as the particular duties of our station may require. Are we not too often very clumsy in this respect? See 1 Peter 2:9 (printed above under question #4) Our Christian calling is further described as the calling to “display the virtues of him who called you.” That is to say, by the grace of God we are called to live a Christ-like life and in so doing we will be reflecting and exhibiting the very virtues of God Himself. This, I hold, must be so from the necessity of the case; for the man who watches over himself is the man who discovers his own failings, the obstacles that impede his progress in the life of faith, and the number, the strength, and the power of his spiritual adversaries. 4. "Minister the same. St. Paul tells us, "the greatest of these is charity." Leighton. The artist who reads nature's secrets, and catches bewitching smiles which are only seen by her lovers, glorifies Him who lives behind all nature. * Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever – Matthew 8:14,15. To give — whether alms in the shape of money, bread, or a cup of cold water, or else self. )God glorified by ChristF. It rebukes with great tenderness. One has ingenuity, an extensive, strong turn for invention; the other has judgment and dexterity in execution. In Italy it is a delight to see the rich vines creeping from tree to tree. When will they begin to apprehend the grace of God in its manifoldness? 1. Maclaren, D. D.When the sunbeams fall upon a mirror, it flashes in the light, just because they do not enter its cold surface. )In what a variety of ways we may serve and benefit othersG. But the subject should teach us lessons of devotion as well as of soberness. On the success of this device may issue another counterfeit of moral indignation. Christian Identity and Christian Destiny. People are not seldom anxious to believe that by declining to undertake a certain work they avoid a serious responsibility. She was a simple-hearted, loving, Christian woman, faithful in her duties to her earthly master, and faithful in her higher duties to her heavenly Master. I. 2. H. M. H. Aitken, M. A.You and I can only give large sums of money to God's service, as God makes us wealthy. Because St. John was emphatically the apostle of love, it must not be supposed that the inculcation of this virtue was left to him alone. )As good stewards of the manifold graceThe Christian stewardshipDean Alford.The manifold grace of God — the term is a remarkable one — it is that word by which the Greeks expressed infinite variety of hue or of design — the shiftings and glistenings of richly-mingled colours, or the dappled patterns of skilful embroidery. The great ameliorative movements of the world are also vastly indebted to the weak and poor. In fidelity, it is supposed that a man should have a competent insight and knowledge in the Divine oracles, that first he learn before he teach.2. "for one another" Notice the threefold use of "one another" (cf. "Ministering it among yourselves." Here is a profound, collected, there a comprehensive and excursive; here a quick but volatile, there a slow but solid understanding. Forbid it, reason, duty, conscience; forbid, Parent of our mercies. Where religion is in disrepute, it is largely because of its association with unworthy human qualities, and its consequent identification in the minds of many with them. The man of quick intelligence and retentive memory who gains easily his place in the tripos may be far less worthy of honour than one of humble gifts and feeble powers. CONSIDER LASTLY, HOW MANIFOLD AND DIFFERENT THE METHODS IN WHICH YE MAY SERVE YOUR BRETHREN, IN WHICH YE MAY DO THEM ALL THE GOOD THAT YE ARE ABLE. In chapter 3:19 Peter speaks of a different thing: Jesus going back to proclaim victory before rebellious spirits that rebelled before the flood (Genesis 6:1-2). The selfish soul shrivels and dies, and the maimed and weakened Church suffers in all its functions. How Much Is Jesus Worth? But this variety of gifts brings with it a varying responsibility, differing according to the character of the gifts which each has received. This is a noble thought. But if unknown He would be forever unappreciated and unloved. THE IMPORT. ... 1 Peter 4:8-10: Employing God's Talents “Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. The man who is strong in mathematical may be weak in classical studies. It can only mean, therefore, that charity will cover, or conceal, and forgive the sins which they commit against us. PARTICULAR RULES FOR THE PREACHING OF THE WORD MAY BE MANY, but this is a most comprehensive one which the apostle gives; "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God."1. 3. We are prone to view our talent under false and vicious limitations; to confine our notions of the proper sphere of assiduous kindness to one's own immediate connections. Barrett. III. But when I was in that country I used to look with much interest on what is generally overlooked — the dwarfed, mutilated, hidden bits of trees, which to a large extent support the clinging vines, and hold them up into the sun. The apostle asks us only to give out what and as we take in. 6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. I. 2. 3. This love is a Divine virtue. 2. No doubt that is sometimes true. Love is a feeling roused not from ourselves, but from something outside ourselves. Whatever man has is a gift from God.2. The gifts which we receive of God we receive of Him through the Eternal Son. 3. Peter wants to encourage Christians who are suffering for Christ.Although Christians might suffer in this life, they will not suffer for ever.This world is not their real home. The exhortation to "watch" supposes danger, weakness, a proneness to fall asleep, or the near presence of a foe. are not you selfish? Nothing can be clearer than the duty of turning our means and opportunities to good account. Their own demoniac passions scorch them. For though the will to resist sin may die out of a man, the conscience to condemn it never can. This is evidently God's purpose. The apostle does not assert this, but takes it for granted. But Jesus Christ, who has dwelt forever in the bosom of the Father, has declared Him, has brought out His attributes from their dark obscurity, and has displayed them. Trapp. This social ministry is —. Others have been too fatally taught by renegade parents. The sunshine must fall on us, not as it does on some lonely hillside, lighting up the grey stones with a passing gleam, but as it does on some cloud cradled near its setting, which it drenches and saturates with fire till its cold heart burns, and all its wreaths of vapour are brightness palpable, glorified by the light which lives amidst its mists. Having fulfilled all the will of God, to Him is given all power in heaven and in earth. "Are you sure that there is not some other explanation possible for his action?" 1. God is glorified in an especial manner, by the effectual diffusion of the gospel, since there His perfections are most plainly illustrated, His dealings towards mankind most clearly displayed, and His requirements of homage and service most forcibly delineated and sanctioned.4. 1 Peter 4:8 Context. If any hear, let him hear "as the oracles of God," not as a well-tuned sound, to help you to sleep an hour; not as a human oration, to displease or please you for an hour; not as a school lesson, to add some what to your stock of knowledge, or as a feast of new notions; but hear as the oracles of God.II. A. It is equally certain that charity towards men cannot atone for our sins against God; for though the love of our neighbour be a characteristic badge of our Christian profession, though it is vain to pretend our love towards our Heavenly Father, whilst we hate our fellow creatures; though the second commandment necessarily springs from the first, and is like unto it in its nature, still it cannot be made in any degree to supersede it. "I am keeping these against the Show," is his reply, "and I cannot permit them to be cut." 1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance. Let me here say a word or two upon our accountableness. That is as impossible as it is to move a boat by pressing it from within. I do not mean that we are to be idle and indifferent, but we need not be noisy. He is as unlike Christ, the ideal man, as it is possible for him to be. 2. By being charitable we gratify the noblest of our inclinations and appetites. For this, in truth, is God's own love, the will and the power to give. The labour of love is essential not only to good stewardship, but to the Christian character itself; and every man may make — and ought to make if there be any difficulty in the way — leisure and opportunity for such labour of love. And, again, how constantly does experience prove that there is a special gift of imparting knowledge distinct from that of attaining it. And now what practical lessons ought we to learn from the view we have thus taken of ourselves, as dying creatures, and of this as a fading world? And thus the matter stands in numberless other cases. Who can overestimate the value of such an one as a centre of influence for good? N. Pearson, M. It is likely due to a desire to avoid the suggestion of "odd" that modern translators have changed it to "special," which carries a more positive implication. Hence it becomes his duty to be ever vigilant over his own spirit, to examine candidly the actual habit of his mind; to watch diligently lest he act inconsistently with his professed principles; lest the world exert an undue influence over his heart; lest self-delusion put him off his guard. John Piper Feb 27, 1994 73 Shares Sermon. It is very plastic this grace of God, and accommodates itself to the constitutional peculiarities of men. PERSONAL CHRISTLINESS IS A DIVINE GIFT.1. One an ardency to animate all around it; the other cool consideration and resolution to put a stop to this devouring flame. Yet she had the appearance of a frightened bird. Our gifts increase by using; the more we bestow them, the more we have them. Have we, like the unskilful workman, been utterly careless about minutiae? Let us exercise charity that we may adorn our Christian profession, and cause it to be well spoken of in the world. Here are corporeal sufferings — weakness, debility, mutilation, decrepitude, pain, sickness, lingering death; there are sufferings of the soul — vexation, trouble, anxiety, grief, dejection, doubt, remorse, pangs of conscience, melancholy, despondency, peril of despair. And now let each exchange his capacities and endowments and possessions against those of the other; now let every one apply the particular talent entrusted to him, as often as he has the proper motive and opportunity for it; what a blessing would the prodigiously various commutation of kind offices, of assistance and support, of benevolence and beneficence, be to all in general and to each in particular! As a man's worldly means increase, so his charities ought to increase. The man who lives for himself is not worthy of the name of man. Above all things — See that you remember the distinguishing badge of your religion and have, maintain, fervent charity, love, among yourselves — One toward another: for love shall cover a multitude of sins — It will cause us to excuse them in others, and will entitle us, through divine mercy to the expectation of forgiveness for our own numberless failings. By and by, walking in the conscientiousness of refusing to retaliate when he feels tempted, he will cease to wish it; doing good and heaping kindness on those who injure him he will learn to love them. Leighton.I. And thus the matter stands in numberless other cases. III. We are divers ways partakers of the gifts of others, and so must make them partakers of ours.7. While it is possible to claim these natural gifts as our own without reference to our Incarnate Lord, yet it is only when we possess them in Him that we may be said to possess them truly. Like those other two features of our religious character — faith and works — which act and react upon each other, so that in proportion to the strength of our faith will be the number and excellency of our works, so in proportion to our spiritual watchfulness will be our prayerfulness. O when will men begin to see that religion is not a separate trade or profession, but the business of life? She desperately longed for someone who would give her love. A hard word, an unkind look, a displeasing act on the part of another, will start sin into motion, instanter. The power of influence, the possession of talent or of wealth, the gift of utterance, the advantages of position. The vehemence of Luther was a blemish in him, while Melancthon was cautious to a fault. Consider what inducements to forget God, and to transgress His commandments, come from the worldly or the gay society in which we move. Here is the want of necessaries; there the want of the commodious, the elegant, the agreeable. It was given us for influence over ourselves; that our whole body, soul, and spirit might be sanctified wholly — that it might fill us to our utmost capacity with the fulness of God, and render us efficient for promoting His glory. "Ye that are strong must bear the infirmity of the weak." Life, a sphere of usefulness large or small, health, powers of mind and body. She was a simple-hearted, loving, Christian woman, faithful in her duties to her earthly master, and faithful in her higher duties to her heavenly Master. Not thus do fellow mortals of like passions. The vehemence of Luther was a blemish in him, while Melancthon was cautious to a fault. But there is another side to all this; the poor, the illiterate, the weak, the obscure may also truly minister in many ways to the world's enrichment and blessing. That man is the most influential against vice who, to a hearty abhorrence of it, adds a cordial desire to rescue the evildoer. Further, we must watch against any unsubdued tendencies to evil in our own hearts, in prayer. 1 Peter 4:7-11 MSG. 2. If our life and conduct say what is true about Christ, and nothing but what is true, representing His yoke as easy, His burden as light, His service as love, His reign as righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, then it does not matter how humble our work may be in its outward form, it will still be work for God, work for Christ, and for truth, and the souls of men. We never shall be good stewards, till we know and apply this truth, and carry it out in practice in our own times, and among those with whom we live. Here is a profound, collected, there a comprehensive and excursive; here a quick but volatile, there a slow but solid understanding. They induce a dislike and reluctance to spiritual employments. Heaven is their real home. 1. Wait for it if it comes not at once; it will surely come, it will not tarry. And, doubtless, were the least gifted among us more quicksighted and pious, they would find themselves possessed of far more considerable gifts from God's hand than they acknowledge or discern. It offers reflective and incisive commentary on a wide range of issues, helping to sort through the maze of competing opinions, worldviews, ideologies and value systems. Let him force himself to abound in small offices of kindliness, attention, affectionateness, and all those for God's sake. The material universe, in all its beauty, forms but a single link in the plans of that adorable Being who is without beginning of days or end of time; and its whole duration is but a single step in the march of that government which is from everlasting to everlasting. It is God who putteth down one and setteth up another. Leighton. Everybody knows of Livingstone, of Bishop Hannington, of Paten, of Calvert; but the sublime enterprise conducted by these heroes would be impossible if it were not for the self-denying work of labouring men, farm servants, domestic servants, little children who give and collect coppers through the land and through the year. The Orientals have a wise saying, "A little stone in its place weighs a hundredweight." How could men or angels worship an inaccessible and unknown God? B. Meyer, B. A.Glory is the manifestation of the hidden attributes of the ever-blessed God. The perfection of reciprocity exists in the religious life (Matthew 5:23; Matthew 7:12). The perfection of gifts consists not only in the having of it, but in the use thereof. 1. For thus we are brought to admire and rejoice in not only God Himself as the primal source of all good, but in our fellow men through whose "manifold" concurrence this "manifold grace" has been diffused around us. A couple of years ago I preached a sermon about how difficult it is to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply. Whatever man has he should benevolently employ for the advantage of others.I. The sunshine must fall on us, not as it does on some lonely hillside, lighting up the grey stones with a passing gleam, but as it does on some cloud cradled near its setting, which it drenches and saturates with fire till its cold heart burns, and all its wreaths of vapour are brightness palpable, glorified by the light which lives amidst its mists. But the perfect ease and pleasure with which he does his own sinning calls for an incessant vigilance not to do it. It is the time of year when every morningâ¦even just a few hours and our cars are covered in that yellow film. It is not just our cars. Pollen gets on our clothes. It gets in our hair. And the pollen has an effect on usâ¦some more than others. We breath the pollen into our lungs which signals in some of us an immune responseâ¦that can cause all sorts of unpleasant feelings. What if we thought of our sinfulness and the sinfulness of others even the brokenness of the world as being something that produces a response in us a response that affects and shapes the quality of our love? Itâs not that we begin with greed. It is we see what is good. We see what can be taken. And we fear losing what is good. And then we find ourselves grasping in a way that takes from others. It may not be taking the last piece of cake. It might not be something material at all. It may be that we want to be affirmed. We want to be loved. And we donât want to lose the love or the attention of the beloved, and then we go about seeking that love in a way that actually distorts love. Let me here say a word or two upon our accountableness. Watkinson. 5. Thus we are to watch against weariness, and coldness, and faintings of heart in prayer. Another has authority and strength, and how various are these in their kinds! The end of earthly greatness is at hand. (1) The desire to give. Our conduct will, of course, have more or less influence upon the good and the happiness of mankind, according to the circumstances under which we act, and the situation which we occupy in society. Charity is the most acceptable sacrifice we can offer or service we can perform to God. Charity comprehends such a habit of benevolence in the soul as disposes us to wish all good to others in all their capacities, in respect either of their souls, their bodies, their reputation, or their estate. When we consider the shortness of the time for which these gifts are granted, we may consider them as loans, returnable to the lender when the term for which they are lent is expired. Charity shall cover the multitude of sins, Gifts to be Communicated for the Good of Others, In What a Variety of Ways We May Serve and Benefit Others, The Import and Application of Glorifying God Through Jesus Christ, Watchfulness Associated with Prayerfulness, The Persecuted Christian Reminded of the Help of Brotherly Love, Watchfulness associated with prayerfulness, Gifts to be communicated for the good of others, In what a variety of ways we may serve and benefit others, The import and application of glorifying God through Jesus Christ. THE GRAND WORK OF HUMAN LIFE. 2. CONSIDER THIRDLY, HOW NUMEROUS AND VARIOUS THE CAPACITIES AND POWERS, THE GIFTS AND ACQUIREMENTS OF MANKIND ARE, AND THENCE JUDGE HOW GREAT THE VARIETY OF WAYS IN WHICH THEY MAY SERVE AND ASSIST AND BENEFIT EACH OTHER. But as all rational life is after the pattern of Himself, He has put into it everywhere something of this ministering power, and we fulfil His idea, and show ourselves to be His children, rising into His likeness, just in proportion as we exercise that power in our several spheres. There is a picture of one of those strongest man contests. You know the contests where these extremely muscular men perform contests to see who can toss huge tires the farthest. Who can pull a truck a certain distance. I recently saw a poster with one of these men was pulling a truck, but the caption read this is me trying to get the blanket from my wife. Sin covers a multitude of sins. You know there are a number of different ways we might think about covering-up for sin. One can read this passage and come to the idea that Peter is suggesting that somehow acts of love can compensate or make up for a wide range of sinful behavior. In fact one way we even use the term coverâ¦is in the compound word a cover-up. We rightly feel the injustice of such an action. When some perpetrator is able to have their misdeeds unreported and a victimâs sufferings goes without recognition. One aspect of being a victim is that one is treated without respect. Oneâs rights of personhood are violated. It seems that covering-up the sinful actions of another is furthering of this kind of moral injury. 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