holy spirit feminine bible verse

I am the mother of fair love, and fear, and knowledge, and holy hope: I therefore, being eternal, am given to all my children which are named of him. Dear simona please write an article on guardian angels. St. Augustine claimed that the acceptance of the Holy Spirit as the “mother of the Son of God and wife-consort of the Father” was merely a pagan outlook. Here our own masculine or feminine natures are only symbols of the Divine and our Life’s manifestation in the Universe. Wisdom of Sirach is the largest book of antiquity that has ever survived. From the sixth century onwards what had been a sporadic practice in the fifth century now becomes the norm – the Holy Spirit starts being called “he” and not “she”. Here’s another fragment, of what are claimed to be Yeshua’s own words: Even so did my mother, the Holy Spirit, take me by one of my hairs, and carry me to the great Mount Tabor. Your email address will not be published. You are very bless among many others. Don’t forsake her and she will guard you; love her and she will preserve you. The new directions of spiritual and scientific studies are showing that it is now possible that the Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh, can be portrayed as feminine as the indwelling presence of God, the Shekinah, nurturing and bringing to birth souls for the kingdom. It is this same word that described what came upon Yahushwa: the spirit of a dove, or Yunah. I grabbed my phone and googled earliest translation of I am Charles Rex from South Africa. Her beginning is the most sincere desire for instruction, and concern for instruction is love of her, and love of her is the keeping of her laws, and giving heed to her laws is assurance of immortality, and immortality brings one near to God; so the desire for Wisdom leads to a kingdom. A Catholic scholar, Franz Mayr, a philosophy professor at the University of Portland, also favors the recognition of the Holy Spirit as feminine. However, when translated correctly, this verse says: Teach me to do your will, because you are my God, and your Spirit is good [feminine adjective], she will bring me to a land of uprightness. The noun, spirit or breath or wind, is feminine, and the verb ending is feminine. And God Himself is love; and out of love to us became feminine. Clement of Alexandria states that “she” is an indwelling Bride. She is hate But there is good circumstantial evidence to support this conclusion. All of the sudden I understood! This confusion arises from two factors—the use of gender-inflected pronouns in the Greek language (a difficult concept to understand for those who speak only English) and bias on the part of some translators. The Bible in various places uses feminine imagery to refer to the Holy Spirit — imagery that goes a long way back in both Catholic and ancient Jewish tradition. In Latin, the word “spirit” has a masculine gender. Jesus Christ on the cross said in His last word to the disciple: Behold yours’ Mother! Required fields are marked *. Greetings, She is the flame But for them, it is a view theologically defensible and accompanied by psychological, sociological, and scientific benefits of recognizing “the new supernature” developing within vast consciousness changes happening in the human evolution. There are two Hebrew words for love, not one as many think. From then on, the Holy Spirit becomes more and more masculine, until her true gender becomes so concealed that only those who really seek will ever find it out. She is She, because She is the heavenly Mother of the Son of God. The half of the sayings are very similar to Yeshua’s sayings from Canonical gospels, whilst some believe that the other half was added by the Gnostic tradition. She is the one that cause u to think tha another race people have enslaved u She is the one that kill u I really like the Wisdom of Solomon, as well as the Wisdom of Sirach. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However now its official. In the context of the parable: women are desirable to men, but the woman of all women that should be desired is Truth. and understanding put forth her voice? This is all still new to me regarding the real truth but I learn every day. The Gospel of Thomas is an early Christian non-canonical sayings gospel. It is, in fact, only in later revisions, by Polycarp, undertaken at the behest of Philoxenos, Syrian Orthodox metropolitan of Mabbug at the beginning of the sixth century, and Thomas of Harkel, working in a monastery just outside Alexandria just over a century later, that we find the feminine consistently altered to masculine. She only wants people pointed to her SON, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. The Father by loving became feminine: and the great proof of this is He whom He begot of Himself; and the fruit brought forth by love is love. 3 In essence, both traditions express the same concept. She was not perfect, nor claimed to be. Jesus. Thank you. In his work On Virginity and Marital Continence he interprets Genesis 2:24 this way: Who is it who leaves father and mother to take a wife? Luke 2:27 Since I have no access to this book, I had to do some research on what other authors have written about his work. It is objectively undeniable. One text is the Gospel of Thomas which is part of the newly discovered Nag Hammadi texts (discovered 1945-1947). It also says that those who obey Her will not be disappointed, and those who work by her will not sin (24:22). Some translators chose to ignore the feminine gender and instead translated the pronoun as “it”.). You have speak Truth! The Holy Spirit has been mistranslated to be sometimes a neutral gender as an “it,” or “itself,” and sometimes as a masculine gender as a “he,” “him” or “himself.” This contradiction of gender has existed for at least 409 years. Praise be to YHWH for revealing this truth to you and others, because the denial of it is blasphemous. We are told not to harden our hearts through sins or against the truth, and therefore I hope that you will consider all I’ve written here. She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well. 3 Baruch is a Jewish pseudepigraphic text believed to have been written in the first to third centuries AD. I posted below some of the revelation She gave me in addition to what you have shared. She is the wind that destroy she is that wind blows a cross u The OT names for the heavenly parents are Eloah and Shadday, as found in the oldest scroll of the Bible in Job. I’ll continue to read your articles. Since he lived in Assyria, he wasn’t influenced by the traditions of Rome, or at least to a much lesser degree than Christians residing there. She murder ur kids Moreover, the Eastern Church places the Holy Spirit as the Second Person of the Trinity with Christ as the Third, whereas the Western Church places the Son before the Holy Spirit. In other words, even if the Greek words for 'holy spirit' were in the masculine gender (and, therefore, the Greek masculine pronouns would be used with it), it still would not indicate that the holy spirit must be a person! Christ, himself, was said to have female disciples as disclosed in Gnostic literature and recent archeological findings of early Christian tombs in Italy. This is why you have never grieved again or felt the void of never knowing a mother’s love. These people, however, seek to confuse and usurp YHWH’s great representation of the heavenly upon the earth, and make their own version instead; and have the world believe what is evil to be good, and what is good to be evil. 2 Peter 1:21 prophecy Spirit speaking. They do not know what they are saying. In the book Fire from Heaven: Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy by Sebastian P. Brock we read: In the two surviving manuscripts of the Old Syriac Gospels the Holy Spirit is invariably treated as feminine. In the course of the psalm the phrase “take not your Holy Spirit from me” occurs, and in several of the oldest manuscripts of the Syriac Psalms we find what must be the original reading, ruhak qaddishta, with the adjective ‘Holy’ grammatically feminine; in the famous sixth or seventh-century manuscript of the complete Syriac Old Testament preserved in the Ambrosian Library in Milan, however, we already encounter the alteration to ruhak qaddisha, with the feminine adjective changed to masculine. She is the meaning of words In the New Testament as Pneuma (Romans 8:9). Isn’t it plausible to assume that the translation bias would have crept in in order to make the Bible more harmonious to the Catholic faith? She was HIS earthly mother, but I AM—HIS HEAVENLY MOTHER. 8 is given female possessive pronouns and verb modifiers. Pain she is pain We know that we don’t get born-again through our good works, but through faith in Yeshua and when we ask YHWH to send the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). Only through HIS NAME and only through HIS BLOOD-SACRIFICE, which is called the NEW BLOOD COVENANT,10 is there salvation. Good day. Simona. I used to ask, “Does that mean that God is both male and female?”, when I read that, “in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. In the Eastern Church, Spirit was always considered to have a feminine nature. and today the Holy Spirit is guiding me to the truth that she is a “she”. In fact, the Ethiopic Old Testament contains many such references to Yeshua, like in Ezekiel, Revelation, and in the New Testament – Gospels (see the previous source, p. 175). It was discovered near Nag Hammadi. She is everything And then thou shalt look into the bosom of the Father, whom God the only-begotten Son alone hath declared. The others scriptures like in Psalm, Genesis, ISAIAH and others in your Youtube discussion doesn’t even appear. There is no other INTERCESSOR before the Throne except YAHUSHUA. I loved her more than health and beauty, and I chose to have her rather than light, because her radiance never ceases. I am so happy you came to this conclusion! Though I was revealed the truth, I was fearful of it, but reading your articles confirmed it for me, as you reviewed much of the material I had been, as well as things I had not, and so made me much less fearful. 2 You know that before you were Christians you were led to worship false gods. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. All good things came to me along with her, and in her hands uncounted wealth. I AM THE ONLY QUEEN OF HEAVEN.9 There is none other. 3 So I tell you that no one speaking by the help of the Holy Spirit can say that he hates Jesus. Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding; don’t forget and don’t turn aside from the words of my mouth. And the sign he gave was the sign of Yunah. She is the meaning of Egypt One of the reasons for this parting was the disagreement whether the Holy Spirit proceeded forth from the Father, or from the Father and the Son. Thank you for your interest in our material. GOD, Sacred Mother/Holy Spirit, SON. In verse 101 we read what is claimed to be the words of Yeshua: Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. chokmâh She is the breath of life The writings of the Catholic fathers, in fact, preserve the vision of the Spirit encapsulating the “peoplehood of Christ” as the Bride or as the “Mother Church.”  Both are feminine aspects of the Divine. I continued to study the subject, and now there is now way I can be taught otherwise, because it is impossible for any other explanation to work (just like the flat earth. Syrian Orthodox Church and Coptic Christianity refer to the Holy Spirit in feminine terms; however, those Christians whose language forces them to alter the gender of the Holy Spirit, may be totally unaware that in the original language the gender is not the same as in their own. Light and darkness Some said, “Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit.” They are in error. The meaning is as follows: as long as a man has not taken a wife, he loves and reveres God his Father and the Holy Spirit his Mother, and he has no other love. You need to understand the truth about this. Here is a quote from this work, chapter 7: Therefore I prayed, and understanding was given to me; I called on God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. So lastly I would like to quote from Isaiah 11:1-2, where it says: And there will come forth a twig out of the stem of Jesse, and a shoot will branch off from its roots; And she – the Spirit of YHWH – will rest upon Him. Thank you for sharing this. Interesting! In the vast majority of later manuscripts and printed editions it is the masculine that is found here – even though in the very next verse the feminine is preserved in ruha mshabbahta, ‘your glorious Spirit’! The Holy Spirit was not rendered as “Holy Ghost” until the appearance of the 1611 Protestant King James Version of the Bible. She was the life -bearer of the faith. Elisabeth [Elisheva], I AM the older woman’s shoulder you rested your head on in Heaven, in what you call a dream and yet it was not only a dream it is so much more. When speaking about the power holding the anti Christ back in verse 6, the Greek word is a neuter gender. And who has entered her storehouses? She never asked anyone to worship her, nor desires it. From H2421; alive; hence raw (flesh); fresh (plant, water, year), strong; also (as noun, especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing), whether literally or figuratively: – + age, alive, appetite, (wild) beast, company, congregation, life (-time), live (-ly), living (creature, thing), maintenance, + merry, multitude, + (be) old, quick, raw, running, springing, troop. Then I have the idea that it must be like the same in spiritual area. I want to thank you for your article, because the Holy Spirit has reared me since i can remember as a young child. So far in Western traditional theology, the voices advocating a feminine Holy Spirit are scattered and subtle. The evidence is undeniable. I believe that now this knowledge is coming to light, but only to those who really seek it. And it made me go back to Genesis, and remember this article and how this changed and freed me. The child will be on my right side and my wife on the left side and on the throne is YAHUAH our YAHUVEH(GOD). There are some Christian churches (see below) who teach that the Holy Spirit is feminine based on the fact that both feminine nouns and verbs, as well as feminine analogies, are thought to be used by the Bible to describe the Spirit of God in passages such as Genesis 1:1-2, Genesis 2:7, Deut. She is ur house In the Peshitta, which must have been first circulated in the early decades of the fifth century, we find a number of places where the grammatical gender of ruha has been altered from the feminine to masculine, where it refers to the Holy Spirit; curiously however, this revison is far from consistent, and in many passages the feminine was left unchanged. In the earliest literature up to about 400 AD the Holy Spirit is virtually always treated grammatically as feminine. In the New Testament as Pneuma (Romans 8:9). Pro 3:13 In both Genesis 2:9 and Proverbs 3:18 the words for ‘tree’ and ‘life’ are the same according to Strong’s Concordance. This is not what makes the HOLY SPIRIT feminine. It is MY LOVE that you basked in as you sat at the banquet table in Heaven with ME and your HEAVENLY ABBA YAHUVEH waiting for the others to join you. Compared with the light she is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against Wisdom evil does not prevail. It was of great help to me! The Holy Spirit was also a source for Divine guidance and as the indwelling Comforter. And herein we understand who we really are, as we both male and female make our own preparation for the rebirth of our “Christed Overself,” unified as the peoplehood of Light, the “Bride,” for the coming of the “Bridegroom”- – the Christ. Every baby is born with a desire and a need for a mother and a father’s love, because all humans are born as babes with a need of earthly love and protection of a mother and a father. From the early fifth century onward, however, it is evident that some people began to disapprove of treating the Holy Spirit as grammatically feminine; accordingly, in defiance to the grammatical rules of the language, they treated the word “spirit”, which is a feminine noun in both Aramaic and Hebrew, as masculine wherever it referred to the Holy Spirit. She is holy, because God called Her good. Thus, in the Old Syriac translation of the Gospels, dating from the late second and early third century, the Holy Spirit regularly features grammatically as feminine. Wisdom is equated with the Holy Spirit and both are considered to be feminine. This is a powerful and deep teaching, and a real eye-opener, this is wisdom right there. 42:1–9).The passage summarizes the redeeming work of all three Persons of the Trinity in the salvation of the lost. The dove in Gen./Ber. And when they were baptized and clad, he set bread on the table and blessed it, and said: Bread of life, the which who eat abide incorruptible: Bread that filleth the hungry souls with the blessing thereof: thou art he that vouchsafest to receive a gift, that thou mayest become unto us remission of sins, and that they who eat thee may become immortal: we invoke upon thee the name of the Mother, of the unspeakable mystery of the hidden powers and authorities: we invoke upon thee the name of [thy?] When one reaches territory such as this, it spiritually proves a person. In this Bible YHWH is the name of God. Is it because of the many translations and changes in the Word of YAHUAH over past years. Even so, the original feminine was not completely removed, as it could still be occasionally found, mainly in liturgical texts and poetry. I also mention relevant Church history as well as quote from the works of some of the Biblical languages’ scholars that are related to this topic. In our text, the English words “he had” are the one Greek word ehn which is the active, indicative, imperative, third person singular of the verb eimi meaning, in its infinitive state, “to be,” or in its imperfect tense, “was.” Also in 1 Edras 3:12 it gives the parable: “…Women are strongest, but above all things Truth beareth away the victory.” 4:38-40 describes Truth as woman, and I have come to understand that this parable likens Truth to be the woman of all women. We are also created as Elohiym is a family kind with the same personalities of unique styles of loving. Gen 2:9, Happy the man findeth wisdom, and the man getteth understanding. HOLY SPIRIT IS FEMININE – SHEKHINAH The Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kadosh) is the manifested Glory of God all throughout the Old Testament and is seen after the outpouring of … The Holy Spirit has led me down this same path of truth!! Most people are fearful of simply the LXX apocrypha, let alone things like the Books of Adam and Eve, or the Revelation of Esdras, or The Shepherd of Hermas. The Eastern Church believed the former to be the case, but the Western Church insisted that the Spirit of God proceeded from the Son also. Those who lived by this Gospel were called “Nazarenes”, which were the earliest Christians – Jewish followers of the Messiah named so in Acts 24:5, in the passage where Paul was accused of being “a ring-leader of a sect” called by this name. And evil So here I provide just a few selected verses with literal translations in order to show the gender of the Holy Spirit. I love how thorough you are. He contends that the traditional unity of God would not have to be watered down in order for scholars to accept the feminine side of God . She is things u see and things u don’t Bible Verses about the Holy Spirit - Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy… But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in… And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you… Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the… There is only one Spirit that the followers of YHWH get, so Solomon had to have received the Holy Spirit, and not any other spirit. She control all things 32:11-12, Proverbs 1:20, Matthew 11:19, Luke 3:22, and John 3:5-6. She is the word of God Thus, in the Old Testament language of the prophets, She is the Divine Spirit of indwelling sanctification and creativity and is considered as having a feminine power. “He” as a reference to Spirit has been used in theology to match the pronoun for God, yet the Hebrew word ruach is a noun of feminine gender. And he said: Let the powers of blessing come, and be established in this bread, that all the souls which partake of it may be washed from their sins. Although most of his works are not available online, some online sources claim that he concluded, as a result of the lifetime spent in examining the oldest Greek texts and textual fragments from the third century onward, that there was no attempt in the West to maintain the integrity of the original texts until Jerome produced the Latin Vulgate at the request of the papacy in the fourth century. She even called HIM “LORD.” And if she had been perfect, it would have been her blood sacrificed at Calvary that would be a sin sacrifice. Holy Spirit The invisible energizing force that God puts into action to accomplish his will. This growing awareness of gender-related matters was not something ignored by the early Church and the writers of ancient religious texts. Come unto me, all ye that be desirous of me, and fill yourselves with my fruits. Scholars are recognizing the Holy Spirit as the “female vehicle” for the outpouring of higher teaching and spiritual rebirth. The Female is called the “helpmate” (Gen 2:18), and the Holy Spirit is called the Helper, why? She is the wars on black and white people She is the English Then again I have this idea that RAUCH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) could be a women. Also let it be known that the word Turah is also feminine, and that is the ultimate source of wisdom and truth, and was breathed by YAH. Blessed the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. However, the Bible reveals that the Holy Spirit is a Person, so it has to be either masculine or feminine. I am Charles from South Africa. Warn the Catholics not to call upon her name at the hour of their death. Here’s a further quote from the same chapter: She is an intelligent spirit, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficient, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.”). The Spirit is not called “it” despite the fact that pneuma in Greek is a neuter noun. The holy spirit is everything Once more we find a rich and profound history reshaping the future even as it unfolds before our eyes. Do not believe the lies the Catholic Church is teaching as they take Miriam (Mary) YAHUSHUA’S earthly mother and join her together as part of the HOLY TRINITY. sister in christ Marie. For example, St. Clement of Alexandria, who lived during the second and third centuries AD, wrote: For what further need has God of the mysteries of love? For Wisdom is a kindly spirit, but will not free blasphemers from the guilt of their words; because God is witness of their inmost feelings, and a true observer of their hearts, and a hearer of their tongues. She is energy according to Strong’s Concordance life means. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. I only learn and discovered the truth of the real names of our ABBA Father (YAHUAH) and HIS SON YAHSHUA HA MASSIACH and the true name of the Holy Spirit as RAUCH HA KODESH. This will benefit me and those who watch my videos/read articles in the future, so I consider it a great investment:). There is only one God and He is the third divine person of the Trinity. I believe that I presented enough evidence for my claim that the Holy Spirit is feminine, and not masculine. However when the HOLY SPIRIT is portrayed as the 3rd Person of the HOLY TRINITY in role and action, the feminine modifiers are used. So I don’t expect this information to ever getting into the mainstream, though, of course, I would love this to happen. The Holy Spirit is a she. Its place of origin is believed to be Syria because of the many Christians in that area that were converted to the faith by the apostle Thomas. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, … I know Wisdom is referred to as she in the bible. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; … and was. Gender and instead translated the pronoun as “ it ”. ) Spirit breath! ; love her and she will preserve you the Lord by bit proof from various sources that the Spirit... Over past years dove in Hebrew thought, Ruach HA KODESH ( Holy Spirit could! Order to show us the truth that she also carried the prophets of the character traits of Ruach.! 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