program evaluation report
Watershed Action Program. ; and 4) How can OD measure its success? The evaluation assessed the State Review Framework (a tool designed to ensure a fair and consistent level of core enforcement across the country). Office of International and Tribal Affairs. The structure and format of program evaluation reports vary by organization. Evaluation experts recommend identifying a short list of “essential research questions” that program stakeholders must answer in order to make decisions. This evaluation identified lessons learned from successful voluntary water quality trading programs, potential barriers to trading, and opportunities for improving EPA's policies, guidance, and outreach/education efforts to promote water quality trading. This evaluation sought to determine if the Air Toxics Monitoring Program in Region 9 was meeting the program's stated objectives and develop (where necessary) quantitative performance measures which link the Air Toxics Program to its Government Performance and Results Act goal. The results of the evaluation were used to modify the program as it entered its sixth year. An evaluation is an assessment of certain topics or subjects typically conducted for a specific purpose. Office of Land and Emergency Management, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Specifically, the evaluation explored how grantees are using BEACH Act funding to notify the public of beach conditions; which notification methods are the most effective in reaching the public; and how beachgoers' awareness of beach advisories and closures, water quality risks and beach visitation behavior has changed in response to notifications. School Wide Watershed Action Program. This evaluation determined the extent to which the program achieved its intended objectives specifically, why the outcomes were achieved, whether the right performance measures were selected and if the approach can be replicated. Of particular interest were processes that hamper or delay the identification of site-specific remedial decisions. Country programme evaluation - Afghanistan (EV 696) 1 May 2009 Independent report Country programme evaluation - Afghanistan Summary (EVSUM 696) Program Evaluation – Automotive Lightweighting Materials Program Research and Development Projects Assessment of Benefits – Case Studies No. This evaluation helped define the limitations of the joint local, State, Tribal and Federal Title V permit program. This evaluation identifies and examines lessons from the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) Lead Campaign that may be transferable to other existing or future international partnerships. This evaluation assessed how effective the Environmental Management Plan was in helping three pilot university laboratories to manage their laboratory waste. The Paint Product Stewardship Initiative developed a website as a companion to this report — Exit. This evaluation assessed the progress and effectiveness of two pilot programs, in Massachusetts and Maine, where school systems have developed environmental management systems to help them identify and prioritize the wide range of environmental and health issues they face. While these states are similar in the types of programs they implemented, they differ in terms of several circumstances in the state that could affect ERP implementation, participation of auto body shops, and outcomes. The various outreach strategies are undertaken during the program along with the activities and an overall general assessment of the program is prepared for the customers to get a general outline of the report so that they know what they should be expecting. To write an effective summary, the original document must be fully read with key ideas and important points highlighted. Exit Strategies, when planned and implemented correctly, can be a springboard for sustainable development. UNICEF is committed to the dissemination of lessons learned. The evaluation report is all about the product of the evaluation process. This report provides in-depth information on the six case studies used to examine how effective collaborative partnerships were in addressing environmental justice issues in predominantly low-income or minority communities. • Activities are the processes, tools, events, and actions that are used to bring about the intended program changes or results. To assess the combined effectiveness of those activities, the validity of using a telephone survey to replace site visits, and the relative contributions of each assistance activity on compliance rates. What is the degree of effectiveness of the activities on the lives of the people? ; 2) What are emerging issues, challenges and opportunities for improving national and Regional implementation of the program? Are the outputs completed in specified time and allocated budget? Equipping field office, staff capacity building, staff turnover, increasing community involvement, improvement in checks and balances system (M&E), planning and implementation, sustainability strategy (exit strategy), security issues, linkages between outputs, outcomes and impact. A clear, concise, brief and yet complete guide on writing mid-term or final evaluation report for a Project of any kind. EPA also sought to better understand and explain how these programs are implemented and which factors influenced program performance. The format is also available in MS Word format and can be downloaded from here: Evaluation Report Writing Template. Evaluating the Title V Permits Issuance Program, Measuring the Effectiveness of EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) Program, Timely Issuance of Permit Renewals and Significant Permit Modifications under Title V: an Evaluation of the Permit Issuance Process, Information Systems Development and Enhancement, Evaluation of EPA New England's Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Pilot Efforts for K-12 Schools, Program Evaluation of the EPA Intern Program, Evaluation of EPA New England's College and University Integrated Strategy, The Evaluation of the Environmental Partnership between the National Park Service (NPS) Intermountain Region and the Environmental Protection Agency Region 8, National Environmental Performance Track - Evaluating New England Performance Track Facility Members' Environmental Performance and Impact on New England's Environment, Evaluation of EPA's National Enforcement Training Institute, Evaluation of the OECA/ECOS State Review Framework in Pilot States, Evaluation of the U.S. EPA Pesticide Product Reregistration Process: Opportunities for Efficiency and Innovation, Evaluation of the EPA Hospitals for a Healthy Environment Program, Evaluation of the Pesticide Applicator Certification, Training, and Testing Program in the Southeast, Evaluation of the EPA's Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP), Measuring the Effectiveness of the Toxics Use and Waste Reduction Assistance Program, Stakeholder Involvement & Public Participation at the U.S. EPA: Lessons Learned, Barriers, and Innovative Approaches, Project XL Stakeholder Involvement Evaluation, Evaluation of Community-Based Environmental Protection (CBEP) Projects: Accomplishments and Lessons, Evaluation of Project XL Stakeholder Processes, Measuring the Effectiveness of the CORE Emergency Response Program Review Process, Evaluation Results from EPA's Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign, Evaluation of Three RCRA Regulations Designed to Foster Increased Recycling, Evaluation of the Interagency Open Dump Clean Up Program for Tribes, Program Evaluation: An Internal Review of Procedures for Community Involvement in Superfund Risk Assessments, Measuring Toxics Use and Waste Reduction Assistance Program's (TUWRAP) Influence, Wetland Program Development Grants: Assessing Their Role in State/Tribal Wetland Programs, Evaluation of the Region 1 EPA New England Marina Initiative, Developing Effective Nonpoint Source Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): An Evaluation of the TMDL Development Process, An Evaluation of the Office of Water's Analytical Methods Review and Approval Program, Evaluation of State and Regional Water Quality Monitoring Councils, Region 10 Nonpoint Source Program Evaluation, An Assessment of the Water Quality Standards Development and Review Process, EPA's Office of the Inspector General (OIG). This evaluation assessed on how EPA's guidance and educational tools for enhancing community involvement in the Superfund risk assessment process are being applied, how effective EPA is at delivering the messages about risk assessment, and how community involvement is integrated into risk management decisions. Through this program evaluation, EPA sought to determine the extent to which the EPA Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set-Aside (DWIG-TSA) Program and the EPA Clean Water Indian Set-Aside (CWISA) Program have increased access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities and compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in Indian country. Can it really bring lasting changes in the community? Information generated by impact evaluations informs decisions on whether to expand, modify, or eliminate a particular policy or program and can be used in prioritizing public actions. One way to do this is for the evaluator and program people to develop a very good description of: what the outcomes should be, how the program will get there, and why the program leads to the outcome. The evaluation used a mixed-methods design including Direct Observation and Quasi-Experimental methodology. RAND Europe was commissioned to evaluate the Ex-Service Personnel in the Criminal Justice System Programme, to understand how projects have helped reduce reoffending and provide support to ex-Service personnel who have come into contact with the CJS. In the United States each year, an estimated 10 percent of sold architectural paint (more than 750 million gallons) is left unused. 2019-20 Report Index. Evaluation Report Layout Checklist: distils the best practices in graphic design, particularly created for use on evaluation reports. The evaluation assessed how effective and efficient the grant program is in building comprehensive state and tribal wetland programs. Questions should be tailored to the report’s intended audience. The TMDL are calculations that are used to determine the maximum amount of pollutants that can go into a body of water. A summary report presents overall findings and individual reports present findings specific to six study areas: cost estimating processes, funds management processes, data systems development and/or enhancement, Green Project Reserve (GPR) benefits, technological innovation supported by ARRA, and leveraging funds in local economics. It is a statement of why the assessment is needed, how it will benefit the program/project. This evaluation assessed how TMDLs can be developed and established to make it easier for relevant parties to implement. This study evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of the EPA Region 2 Corrective Action program. This latter task will include assessing the accuracy of telephone survey information as a substitute for site visits. This evaluation assessed program performance across a range of perspectives, including: collaboration in program planning and implementation; program management; education and outreach; consumer purchasing decisions; collection of post-consumer paint; paint reprocessing, recycling and energy recovery; household hazardous waste programs; cost-effectiveness; markets for post-consumer paint; program transferability; and program side effects. Sometimes the main purpose of the evaluation can be to focus on the process of implementation rather than on its impact, since this would be minimal if the project has started short time ago or was a short duration project. To what extent the objectives of the project are still valid etc. Program directors are responsible for assuring that their programs are assessed and that the assessment reports meet the necessary criteria in the rubric for evaluating reports. The Evaluation of the Media-Smart Youth® Curriculum . Objectives of the evaluation include assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impacts and sustainability of the project and its activities. Program evaluation is applying systematic methods to collect, analyze, interpret and communicate data about a program to understand its design, implementation, outcomes or impacts. Upon opening a report, scroll down to see the file attachments. Evaluation Reports 2008-2009. Programme Evaluations are used to inspect the provision of particular programmes that are provided in post-primary schools. It highlights the purpose of the evaluation, key questions, research methodology, evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations. Program Evaluation Reports. Program Evaluation: Examples and Reports | Department of ... Best This section of the website contains a listing of EERE evaluation reports , as well as information on a number of lessons learned from past EERE evaluation studies. This evaluation examined the performance of this market-based economic incentive program; made recommendations to improve the program; and identified the lessons learned from running this program. EPA is responsible for designating ocean disposal sites (both for dredged and non-dredged material), establishing and managing Site Management and Monitoring Plans for all ocean disposal sites, and establishing environmental criteria for the evaluation of permit applications. Office of Water; Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Total Maximum Daily Loads Innovations Workgroup (Participants from Regions 1, 4, 5, 8, and 10). The community should be the main stakeholder in planning an exit strategy, as they are the most expert on their communities. This formative evaluation assessed data collection methods to identify methods that will provide better, more timely information than current data collection processes. Is there an exit strategy? In other words, this business report is an outline of all the necessary steps to complete assessments—from the program background down to the lessons learned. Report indices contain evaluation reports based upon each school year. The results were used to inform other entities as they create monitoring councils. Planning a program evaluation can be broken up into four parts: focusing the evaluation, collecting the information, using the information, and managing the evaluation. Will the project activities be helpful in impacting the lives of the people? Here the evaluator can discuss whether the project has adequate number of qualified and experienced staff and whether they are performing their duties to the required performance level or not. This evaluation assessed the costs and effectiveness of the Toxics Use and Waste Reduction Assistance Program in Oregon, and in particular its impact on hazardous waste compliance in Oregon. Office of Pesticides, Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP). Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (2004) The evaluation documented the kinds of issues and challenges faced by municipalities and communities in Region 1 and other states as they grapple with decisions and come to consensus on whether or not to adopt a stormwater funding mechanism. Under the new law, the paint industry set up a program to reduce paint waste, increase reuse and recycling, and safely dispose of remaining unusable paint. Evaluation Reports 2006-2007. The main impact evaluation question is what would have happened to the beneficiaries if they had not received the program. This evaluation compared RGI projects against EPA's priorities, assessed how effectively the outcomes of RGI projects have been communicated and helped determine the outcomes and the RGI projects' contributions to EPA's work. Evaluation of the Ex-Service Personnel in the Criminal Justice System Programme. Objectives of the evaluation can also include what challenges were faced during implementation of the project, important lessons learned and recommendations for the future project implementation. This evaluation determined whether NETI is meeting its stated mission of developing a highly skilled and professional enforcement and compliance workforce, which is the underpinning to a successful compliance assurance and enforcement program and, 2) determined how OECA can better directly measure NETI's contribution to OECA's GPRA goal. Evaluation Reports 2010-2011. The evaluation results will be used to determine how OW can improve its Government Performance and Results Act measure and better assess whether EPA's efforts to support water quality trading programs are effective. The goals were to establish a baseline of current practice and community satisfaction with EPA’s technical assistance (TA) and information dissemination (ID) practices, and to consider the feasibility of potential measures for tracking TA and ID moving forward. In 2001, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) launched a now 7-year-old program-development and -dissemination effort and awarded contracts valued at more than $4 million to the Academy for Educational Development The evaluator should answer the following questions: The evaluator should use this section to portray the strengths of the organization like staff commitment, staff efficiency, organizational links and strong local presence, level of government support, availability of resources (field office, equipment etc. The evaluation helped Region 1 identify which components yielded the best results and conveyed lessons learned to the four EPA regions that have identified colleges and universities as a priority sector. Introduction to the project states what the project aims to achieve and what measures are to be taken for this purpose. Here he/she can also select or finalize the key areas of investigation like: It would also be necessary to include the limitations of the methodology, if any. What are the challenges in carrying out the exit strategy. Evaluation results helped EPA guide states on effective ways to meet communication needs and mandates. Recommendations/solutions. Will the project benefits continue after completion of the project? Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. This evaluation examined the experience of three states, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island, which established ERPs for the auto body repair sector. The results will provide input to the next cycle of hazardous waste information collection for the 2005 reporting cycle. This report reviewed the design and execution of the stakeholder processes by four initial XL projects. What are the shortcomings in the relevance of the planned activities in the proposal? What is evaluation Back to determining the evaluation question. Are people engaging and taking ownership of the project? How well was beneficiaries’ and stakeholders’ (including government) participation incorporated in the project cycle? Office of Pesticides, Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances. This evaluation helped to identify the most effective activities the program could use to reduce the waste of different types of program partners (e.g., size or sector of partners) and addressed the related question of attribution: how much of this waste reduction is fairly attributable to EPA activities? Meanwhile, the evaluation report covers the detailed data results, conclusions, interpretations, and suggestions gathered from an evaluation. We provide links to outside groups who have conducted such evaluations. The evaluation assessed how effective the PPIN program is in promoting the adoption of P2 priorities. What alternatives were available and Was the best of the alternatives was chosen in implementing activities? This evaluation assessed the extent to which Performance Track in New England is operated as needed. The evaluation determined how effective the GAP program has been at increasing the capability (i.e., the administrative, legal, technical and enforcement) of Tribes to implement and develop environmental programs. It has been said that a report is never truly final, unless the program is ending, because evaluation is . Who were the direct and indirect/wider beneficiaries of the project? Office of Land and Emergency Management, Office of Solid Waste. How far funding, staff, time and other resources contributing to or hindering the achievement of the results. Evaluation Reports SAMHSA’s evaluation findings are instructive as the agency seeks to promote effective programs and to keep with its FY2019 - FY2023 Strategic Planning priority area #4: improving data collection, analysis, dissemination, and program and policy evaluation. It highlights the purpose of the evaluation, key questions, research methodology, evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations. Evaluation Reports 2012-2015. The results provided performance information on the strengths and weaknesses of the grant program that can be used in preparation for internal and external reviews (e.g., PART, budgetary) and to ensure that Government Performance and Results Act and National Program Guidance goals are met. For each report, you will find the name of the report, the year it was commissioned, the office it is affiliated with, a short description of the content and for some, a fact sheet (i.e., a condensed version of the report). The executive summary of an evaluation report is a shortened version of the full report. The evaluation also assessed whether the current information is sufficient (or if other information available but not already reported by partners is needed) to evaluate the program. A final evaluation report presents findings, conclusions, and recommendations. This program used its resources to build tribes' capacity to address air quality issues on Tribal lands and provide the tools to reach these goals. This report presents the results of evaluation of the hazardous waste determination program undertaken to determine if the federal hazardous waste determination program is working, identify potential challenges that hazardous waste generators face, and assess whether EPA can improve the regulations and better assist Hazardous Waste generators in achieving compliance. The partnership since its inception, target area and donors can also provided! Evaluation, key questions, research methodology, evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations Superfund Green Remediation strategy effectiveness... ), data analysis and documentation dynamics of stakeholder process and stakeholder and. 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